Cockerel or pullet?


11 Years
Mar 3, 2012
This is Mykerion, the child of my red Cochin bantam rooster and black Rosecomb hen:

This picture was taken on the 4th, when she (I only say she because that's what I hope she is) was nine and a half weeks old. There are little bumps on the insides of her legs that may be spurs, but if I remember correctly, it seems like even my grown hens have these... I can't double-check because they are very wild and I can't pick up the girls without the roosters attacking me. I haven't heard any crowing. The way the neck feathers are a different color and how long the saddle feathers are leads me to believe Mykerion is a male, but then again, it seems like the wattles would be growing faster if that were true... And I can't really tell anything from a rose comb.

Any help? I need to know because if Mykerion is a male, he can't stay here for much longer.

I would get rid of the existing roosters if they are flogging you for picking up the hens!!
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At 9 weeks, the bird isn't really going to have sex feathers yet, you're going on comb development and color. That looks to be a pullet.

And you didn't ask, but I'm just gonna throw this out there----don't ever keep an animal that attacks you! He's not being protective of his hens, he's showing he is the boss of you. Don't make excuses for them, just cull them.
At 9 weeks, the bird isn't really going to have sex feathers yet, you're going on comb development and color. That looks to be a pullet.

And you didn't ask, but I'm just gonna throw this out there----don't ever keep an animal that attacks you! He's not being protective of his hens, he's showing he is the boss of you. Don't make excuses for them, just cull them.

YES! that is exactly what I said!
Thank you so much, everyone!

I keep my roosters because I'm very emotionally attached to them and I don't believe in the killing of non-meat-intended chickens until absolutely necessary. One rooster is very sweet and only attacks very rarely, and I think he does it only because the other one attacks. I'm working with the mean one and trying to make him nicer. Until the other day, I'd been fighting back against him, which apparently only makes it worse. I'm going to try ignoring him and see if he stops. And also, I'm sure they're aggressive because they only live with three hens. Two roosters need way more hens than three, but that's not an option I have right now.

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