Cockerels showing their feisty side


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Linden, NC
Of our ten chicks, five Orps and five Light Brahmas, one of the Brahma cockerels is the same age as the Orps (seven weeks). He has always hung out with the Orps, who are two weeks younger than the Brahmas

Let all out to free range for a while this evening under supervision since we are not fenced.

At one point the little Brahma squared off with one the Orp cockerels, the usual chest bump and chatter, but this time the Brahma was persistant and raised his hackle feathers as if he was really angry. Was really no big deal but I was surprised.

Normal for a 7 week cockerel?

Oh gee thanks. But I knew that I would have to eventually separate the cockerels. I bought another 10X10X6 kennel from a neighbor today just didn't think that I would need it so soon.


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