Cockrels or Pullets - Ameraucana, Araucana, Copper Marans, and Light Sussex

Whats the difference between a hatchery and a breeder? Scale?

Quality of feathers and comb/wattles. Usually if you want show quality birds then breeder is the place to go. Pets and egg producers then most get them from hatcheries. The hatcheries are pure bred but not usually up to show standards. One of my Buff Orpington would never be able to show because her bomb is wrong, she has some leghorn in her. She has the large floppy comb that leghorns have.
Whelp I guess i'm giving up the Light Sussex :( seems pretty definitive from everyone so far! :(

I would wait another month until you decide. The cockerels will usually start crowing around 15-17 weeks. Then you will know for sure. Also pics at that time will help us help you. Remember your birds are still young.
Okay then. So which do you all feel are pretty much sure things as pullets or sure things as cockerels?

Thank you all for your help so far! Its reassuring to know I don't have all roo's or something lol :).
At least the 2 most likely cockerels are Dual Purpose. Coq Au Vin if I can't find a good home!

There are no ordinances at all regarding animals. I'm on farm land to boot. I just don't have any room in the coop for them. I got extras knowing i would get a few roos.

Do you think it would be okay to let a roo or two fully free range without access to the actual coop of my tractor? The only other spaces available are the run down coop and the barn that the chicken tractor is a distance from.


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