Had waist length hair till 03 when I turned 50. Said I would grow it until it got too heavy for the pony tail I had to wear it in at work. When it did it coincided with my 50th birthday so I donated 17 inches of hair to locks of love. They asked me if I would grow my hair out and donate again and I told them no.

Have to admit I miss my long hair at times but like it better now. Super short pixie. When I wake up with 'bed head' I know it's time for a trim.
Yeah, i used to donate my hair but it is getting quite thin lately.
You guys call summer heat 70s there. Here we call that spring!

Our hottest temp has been 97 so far. Got a break today after a couple days of 80s and high humidity along with the obligatory thunder storms. Temps in the low 80s and down in the low 60s for lows. Good sleeping weather.

Howdy guys.

I know Penny isn't behaving herself, what fun is that? How about the rest of you? Me? Nope. No fun in that either.

If you behave what fun can you have?

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