Happy Anniversary, Cap! May you have many, many blessed more!
Anniversary II.jpg
Today is Fetch Day, where I don my mask and gloves and hit the curbside pickups. The day dawned brisk (under 50) so enjoyed opening screened windows and doors to let that delicious coolness in and freshen up the interior atmosphere. Then it was out to the garden to water the beds, harvest some lettuce, retrench the corn row to get it ready for this weekend's planting, and watered the outdoor beds and pots. Nice to be outside and enjoying the early lights and quail calls and thankful for all that is around.

Time for the second cup!
Today is Fetch Day, where I don my mask and gloves and hit the curbside pickups. The day dawned brisk (under 50) so enjoyed opening screened windows and doors to let that delicious coolness in and freshen up the interior atmosphere. Then it was out to the garden to water the beds, harvest some lettuce, retrench the corn row to get it ready for this weekend's planting, and watered the outdoor beds and pots. Nice to be outside and enjoying the early lights and quail calls and thankful for all that is around.

Time for the second cup!
What kind of quail do you have there?
What kind of quail do you have there?

They're Gambel's Quail (wild) in the neighborhood. Every now and then the dogs totally destroy a nest in the yard and I have to incubate a clutch. But other than that, I'm happy they're out there. They do wreak havoc in the veggie compound, though, so there's a tangle of bird netting and bird tape therein.

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