I always forget how far north Missouri really is.
That stuff is headed this way.
Yes, and we are actually south of where we used to live in IL.

We actually don't mind the snow but the cold is a bit much. I think the latest report said -8 tomorrow night but they've been wrong about all aspects of this storm. They were saying 1-3 inches of snow this morning, and by noon the had changed it to 4-6 inches. We probably have a good 5 now.

But the good news is the geese are flying north!:yesss:
Actually they and the meadow voles do, but they just regenerate from the roots. We conduct a constant battle against it down at the beagle club.
It sounds a lot like the Buckthorn that has invaded us. If you cut it down, it just comes up from the roots, and it has berries so the birds will eat them and spread it that way.
The invasive out here Morning glory we hate it with a passion it even tried to choke out a pampas grass that has been here since the 50 's it was choking the life out of oak tree in the yard had roped around to kill it we took everything to pull it off cutting as much as possible it is off that tree now started into rhodies along the house.... Now blackberries are no match
Oh gee. That was small beans compared to the stuff Amber did! She was an accident looking for a place to happen. Here is an off the top of my head list of stuff she did:
  • Broke her canines in half biting rocks on the creek bed while playing with my nephew.
  • Got kicked in the side of the neck and thrown about 10 feet by my horse.
  • Jumped out of my truck window while moving about 30 mph down the road because she saw a rabbit and went after it. She was tumbling down the road when I looked up in my rear view mirror after she went over the edge of the door.
  • She tore her patellar ligament in her knee after running down the hill and jumping sideways over a snow bank. That cost $3,000 for the surgery to repair her knee.
  • She impaled the back of her throat with a stick while playing fetch. The stick started tumbling end over end and she went to grab the stick when it was end up.
  • And her coup de grace, she slammed herself into an large old style rototiller with a very heavy metal piece for tilling a furrow. She split her upper leg/lower chest wide open. You could see her femoral artery and the ligaments and muscles. It took two surgeries to close that. The vet told me if she'd hit just a little harder it would have nicked the artery and she would have bled to death.
This is her. :love Ironically, she is the one who got me hooked on the breed. She was also a pet therapy dog.
Good morning everyone :frow time to have that cup of coffee ☕ and work around the house since they closed the schools again due to flooding this time :( this rain needs to go away!
Good morning Sue! :frow enjoy your rainy day off. Whoever's writing all these "rain checks" I wish they'd quit! :lau

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