Good afternoon one and all!

Took my husband to Jacksonville for the second stage of his InterStim insertion.

Everything went well.

He is home and doing quite fine.

Have a great day!

* * * * * * * * * *

This got me thinking, would all flock be better or would layer be better with mine? I have 4 hens, and can’t have roosters because I’m in town.
Ive been seeing that people think there is a lot of waste to feeding crumble vs pellets 😕

I find they don't waste the pellets like they do with the crumble.

Good morning everyone! I’m rushing the coffee a little this morning. I agreed to keep my friend’s grandkids company while she’s getting her knees x-rayed. I hope it’s not one of those no good deed goes unpunished things! These two have been abandoned by their mother and the dad just broke up with a crazy girlfriend so they desperately need stability. She was going to bring folding chairs so they could sit in the parking lot but I couldn’t stand the thought of them out there like that.

You are too good.

No loss of feed here but use feeders of my own making
I wanted something they could not dig out food View attachment 2809293

Once I hung the feeders they could not rake the food out.

Me too I cannot regulate my internal tempature well so often wear more layers ..
I got up way too early 7am :old

I got up at 0500

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