Coffee's ready...

Chics - thanks for that, It was a wonderful moment to catch on camera. Danny is very very disabled and so it was great to see him interact so well with Jessica and be so gentle with her!!!! He must know more than we think sometimes in his little mind.

Well we are getting Direct care payments for Ben - which means we get money from the health service to pay for care for Ben so DH doesn;t have to keep going over and we don;t have to keep monitoring his washing and dressing and shopping and if he has meals or goes to work etc. Yupeeee!!!!!!!!! I am soooo thrilled.

Jessica is hear and has hollored near the whole time. We are trying to feed her baby rice but she is wearing more than she is eating right now.

I better go - Danny will be in soon and thaen it will all start over. I am so glad we got the payments through for Ben - Now we can thinnk about organising going away at last in our little camper ( OH yeah all the suns gone and we have - 17 in some parts of the uk! ) DOn;t think we will be camping anytime soon!!!! - Oh well 5 star hotel then!!!

Helen. - We can leave the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh all you flock tenders its
bones chill day to day.... chilly and drizzle.
these golden years are for the Strong
Not for the weak.LoLknees are killing me
anyone else in the knee club.
the warm coffee does take the chill out.
Good afternoon chicken wranglers
it is uuuhhg snowing and sleeting oohh it is miserable and my little hens will be soo upset.Winter wonderland is not in my vocabulary.
Christmas bahhumbug and it's a poor excuse for picking a man's pocket once a year along with bad weather makes me grouchy. I'll go
home and take a nice long sauna and drink beer. God Bless! and Holly Jolly Holiday season.
Hey chicken folks, I have always enjoyed stopping in on this thread when I can, to see how everyone is beginning their day or what they've been up to recently.

This thread inspired me to start a "coffee's ready" thread on one of the bee forums I frequent.

So thanks for a great thread and the inspiration!

BTW, its 42F this morning with 58F as our forecasted high. Feels good out.

Been up since 4am, think I'll lay down for a bit and then make coffee.

Getting a lot of calls lately for squirrels and other animals getting into people's houses. Its that time of year.

Have to seal a lady's chimney today with hardware cloth to keep squirrels out.

Them cute and furry lil critters can be quite a handful sometimes!

Good Morning - Raining here, around 65 degrees. It's supposed to be cool the rest of the week - lows in the 40s, highs in the 60's.
I might be able to use my newly repaired fireplace!!

JP33 - you must be an exterminator! I once had an exterminator come to my home to get a oppossum out from under the bathtub. At the end he says, "Well, gotta get outside. Your neighbors are probably all looking at my tiger". Huh? Sure enough, he also had an educational/ exotic pet rescue place and he had a HUGE Bengal tiger in a cage behind his truck!! Crazy! And you bet the neighbors were all outside looking at it! I've never been so close to one - it was incredible.

Karl - Bah Humbug!! Just kidding - hope you enjoyed your sauna and beer. That sounds lovely.

Oesdog - I'm glad you are getting a well-deserved break! Enjoy!! And hey, isn't your camper heated? Go out for a few nights - isn't Wales a little warmer? Take a drive.

Time to get to work. They cancelled my 7:30 meeting, so I've got time to keep working on catching up.

Have a great day, chicken wranglers!
Brrrr. Chilly in here. 34 in the chicken run, 60 in the bedroom. DH doesn't appear to understand the concept of separate room baseboard heating... keep the door closed to keep the heat in! DH took yesterday off work and we got to spend time working together.

Anyways - the girls are doing well - I am getting 2 eggs every couple days now. Willow is still in an every other day mode, but Buffy is still doing almost every day.

But DH is in a chatty mood. So I'm off.
Hey everyone, busy morning trying to get this thing fixed. Had problem with Internet Explorer. Don't know why but tech support at Verizon helped get it fixed.

Gave Trish 8 of the new Dels so I'm down to 18. 6 of which she hatched for me and are about a week older. One of the new babies had a crooked toe. Kinda like its stuck next to the other one, but as long as it can walk and talk and eat and all that I'll give it a reprieve. I just won't be breeding from it.

Trish is getting ready to start another hatch but I'm not sure if I want to. These guys will grow fast and I'm not sure where to put them just yet. To many things going on this month.

Well take care
Good afternoon chicken wranglers
I lost my morning post. It is so cold here that a well digger from the clondike would quit and go back home.
My little bottle calf got out of the pastuire and came up to the house bawling. My wife called me and told me that the calf was just really loud. Come to find out she was just outside the door "go wonder!'.Icame home and tied her out on a rope so she could get away from the mean cows that take her food.
I wish I was a computer literate so I could share pics like all you' uns do. I have a young hen that is the ugliest, ornriest,meanest chicken I ever did see.She is always challenging the other ones in her brood and whoopin up on them sumthin fierce and if I had photo's ya'll could help me identify the crossbreed for what she is.Well nuff fer now you'uns all have ya a good day and God Bless!
Ha Ha Chics have you see the weather forcast for the UK recently. - Wales warmer - its been -17 there and roads in Scotland impasable. MY SIL who lives right up past Aberdeen in Scotland just had to dig her way out the back door to the sheds - the snow was to the tops of the windows!!!!!! There are no Ferry crossings at the moment and a lot of planes are not flying either.


Rancher try this site its good for bird feet!!!! I used these folk to help me with my wee Omlet.

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