Coffee's ready...

Late check in, busy day today and I'm double dog tired. Been going to the WMCA to swim and try to help my back and lose some weight. Joined an areobics class and I was the only guy, but I'm determined. Bought a new wagon for the winter to carry water and feed to the coop. Snow is here and I'm not happy.

Oesdog how are things there. The news said you guys got some snow.

Hope everyone up north is staying toasty.

Can't believe I'm still up... I must be nutty!
Saw a bit of snow earlier tonight. Very pretty. The forcast for next week includes more of the same although I don't think it's supposed to amount to much. Nobody seems ready for it. Been praying for Tonapah Pati, hope she can update us soon. Sissy, maybe you can make the next pot of coffee - yours tastes better!
I'll donate the coffee mate!
Everything is just very very cold and loads of ice but so far where I am NO SNOW!!!!!! We are on the coast so get away with it a bit. However I did see some pictures of the other coast on the news and the beaches there are all covered in Snow. That would be the North coast. We are on the East coast so are relitively protected. In parts of Scotland its been - 21 but here the worst has been - 9 or 10. Wales was - 17 so I think we have had it mild so far. The birds are fine and I got them extra hay and wood chip to keep them warm and Blue and Omlet sleep in the shed now but in their own coop as well!!! so they are not outside at all. My hands are suffering a bit with the cold but other than that I am doing ok.

DH was back to Hospital this week and thay have done some checks for Parkinsons - we will get the results soon I hope. Just another hurdle to get over.

I am away to warm the coffee pot.
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You go, Rancher!! Swiming is so good for you. You've inspired me to get my tail to the gym today, too. I have been so busy I haven't gone in weeks. I always feel better when I go a few times a week.

Oesdog - stay warm! (and the rest of you up north, too) It is in the 40s here, and will even get down to the 30s in a few days - very cold for us, especially this early in the year. Know what tastes even better than coffee on a cold Friday morning at my office? Coffe on a cold SATURDAY morning, in my cozy pajamas!

Think I'll drag out the Christmas decorations and get a tree today. I'm also going to stick vinyl tile down in the roost. I did that to the roost addition last week. The original roost I had pieces I just slid under the roost bars and pulled out to clean. I've decided it is easier to leave them in there - covering the entire floor - and scrape them into a bucket.

Annaraven - I love carbonara - I think I'll make some this week.
Have a good one, folks - stay cozy.
Having the tile sounds like a good idea, Ihave a hard time
pulling the board out I think it is too long.
Iwill have to try it with some old tile we have out back.
Water froze slightly last night but I tapped it and it broke tru.
what can I do to keep water from freezing solid?
I hope Pati is doing well.
Scoop I will make coffee next time . and bring the donuts too. haha
oesdog that steak sounded like a real treat.
with fresh eggs. I will have to try it for Dh he is
steak lover I will stick to my white meat.
Don't let this posting die.

Got the tree up and lights on today. Sunday is church so that takes up most of my day, and my nap day so that takes up more. I'm so tired. Its snowed and I hate snow. I'm not ready either still things to do outside. I hardly see the chickens in the winter. It's outside to let them out, feed and water and the again to collect eggs, throw some scratch or treats and then again to close them up for the night.

If you live in the snow area what is your routine for chickens?

DD saw deer passing through which is not common. They are around but we rarely see them. Saw some turkey's once gleaning the chicken litter. I suppose if I dumped it closer to the woods we'd see more.

So that's for today.
Don;t worry Rancher people will always need COFFEE!!!!!!!!

I don;t live in the snow but it sure is cold here right now. I guess you could say my birds are a wee bit spoiled. I go let them out as soon as I can in the mornings. - If I am really busy with Danny or its lashing with rain or really really freezing I let them stay in until 10am latest. If its really cold and frosty I take vasaline out with me and I rub all their crowns to stop frost bite. I also spray their feet with oil. They get Layers in the mornings - then about noon they get HOT porrage with banana, or tuna YUM! or scrambled eggs in it. Sometimes Bread and Yogurt too! If I have been peeling root veg I steem the peelings and throw them in warm so they have something to chase after. In the afternoons after 2pm usually the frost is lifting so they are allowed to free range. They get the run of the yard and veg patches and flower garden so they clear it all for us to replant in the spring!
Then about 4.30pm they go into their run and get their supper usually Mixed Poultry grain. Once they are full they usually go to roost themselves and I go in around 5pm or a little earlier to count heads and close up for the night. I never never close up without counting in!!!! Then I take Omlet and BLue to the Shed and put them into their sleep pen and the Roo boys have their own run now behind the garage so they get put in their boy pad for the night. It works ok and the girls are now laying fine and look healthy and fat!!!

i just got up to let the dog out.. 5 am here in syracuse and my deck has over a foot of snow over night.. it is 24 out and still snowing like crazy.. will take a pic when it gets light out.. stay warm all ..... linda

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