Coffee's ready...

Just got back in yesterday evening from my black powder hunt up in north Louisiana. Some on here were wondering what that was. Black powder and muzzle loader hunting is one in the same. its the old style type hunting where you add powder to the barrel followed by a projectile such as a patch and round ball or a slug.

Today things are getting pretty modern and hardly anyone now uses anything real traditional. Most use more modern versions with scopes and in the last 5 years or so you can even use a 45/70 caliber and I believe even a 444. How those are primitive weapons i don't know but they are legal now in Louisiana.

Three of us saw bears and there is bear sign everywhere throughout the woods. The Tensas National Wildlife Refuge supports one of the largest if not the largest Louisiana black bear populations in the state.

This morning I am washing clothes and getting ready for a trip up to North Carolina. Its going to be an extremely long trip!

Will need lots of coffee for this road trip!

Good Morning!
Rancher, you make me happy I live here. I don't know how you all manage to take care of the outdoor chores when it is cold and snowy. I wouldn't be able to leave the house! Yesterday was a gorgeous day, and I glued down the vinyl tile in the older section of the roost. My hands were a mess, but I think it will be easier to keep the roost area clean now. Today it is colder, and will stay cold till Wednesday.
Oesdog, you are making me look bad to my chickens! You have some spoiled girls, there!

Did you get anything JP? That's neat you got to see a bear. I've only caught one quick glance of one in the Ocala National Forrest once.

My son woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. He was a bear - snarling and snaping, then a full on melt down. Then he didn't want me to leave him at school, which is unusual.
Guess what he told my Mom the other day when they were having chicken for dinner? "Grandma, there are chickens we eat, and there are the chickens with leggs that we take care of".

Well, time to get busy. And fix myself some nice warm oatmeal.

Have a great day, stay warm!
One of us got a small spike buck, it wasn't me. I didn't see a bear just heard it crashing through the palmettos running from the noise of a very loud rattling truck. It ran for about 125 yards then stopped and crept towards my buddy who said he saw it at 3:16. I heard it running at 3:15 crashing through.

My friend said it came within about 9 yards of his tree.

Had a cup of Joe with goldenrod honey.

Well I dragged my butt out of bed at 7:30 and let the birds out into the runs. and eventually got the snow blower running and did the drive and the path to the coop. Got stuck a little in the mud of the leach field, but managed. I hate the snow but there are worse things like wild fires and hurricanes and tornadoes, I suppose..

I'm retired so I only go out if I need to, which i do cuz DW didn't get any chili mix! Gonna make some warm mash for the girls with some expired milk from school and a can of cream corn and layer stuff. Oh got to remember to get some lettuce to for the girls.

ta, ta for now

I am having a hard time getting a chance to say "hi" in the mornings. We are experiencing so real cold temps lately.
Our lows tonight are around 25 F. For Florida, this is some record cold.

I've got a garden I planted 1 - 2 months ago. The older stuff - - collards, brocolli, and red cabbage I am not too concerned with. However, there are some new plants / seedlings that I am concerned about - - mostly lettuce and spinach. I have some green pea plants out there too. I don't think they will like it this cold.

So, I have been tenting my plants and lighting the tents with christmas lights.

I don't think the chickens are use to temos this cold either !

Then there are the pot belly pigs too. Their water had a frozen layer of ice this morning.

So, I am busy with all this every morning and evening. Plus, I have two chickens in the house being treated from odd things. One has an eye infection ( almost healed) and the other had bumble foot.

Crazzy busy trying to keep up with all this and the family!
Math ace your a care giver - you can;t help it - its an adiction!!!!!!! I know I am sooooo there with you!!!! Oesdog Drowning in Family and aminals!!!!
Good morning everyone!Looks like I got up at 5:00 to go to school for nothing,I think I have the stomach bug thats been spreading around my school lately.All I can drink is coffee right now and if I eat anything I think ill puke by brains out
Good Morning everyone!! This is a great morning here at my school. Our school grade came today from the district, and we are NO LONGER AN "F" RATED SCHOOL!!! Get this - we have pulled ourselves up to being a "C" rated school!!!!! YEAH! I was so happy, and everyone started shouting out into the halls. I could just cry, these teachers and administrators have worked SO HARD for this. I really had nothing to do with it since I just started this fall, but I've been rooting for it and I'm just thrilled, especially for the kids. It prooves to them that hard work really does pay off. Asking them to read every day, come to school for an extra hour, go to tutoring on Saturday. It was all worth it, and they can be so proud of themselves!

Math Ace, I think between the chickens and the cold, I am throwing in the towel on my garden. I did get some little red pepers that taste really sweet, but they are only the size of a jallapenio pepper. Then my son decided to pull off several of them and see if the chickens would eat them.

Here are pictures of my fat little Blue Plymouth Rock. The pictures barely do her justice - she is a little butterball

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Hi everyone , lots of snow here and I snowblowed twice today. Not an easy thing for me, my back is hurting big time. Hope it holds off and give me a chance to recover before it starts again.

Chicks doing ok, it ain't that cold yet.

Take care, oh having my coffee now.


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