Coffee's ready...

Morning People,
Sometimes we had no choice with the barn cats. People would dump them off. Our biggest problem, is that they would use the kids sand box as a toilet. Their numbers usually stayed around 10.

Good to hear you are ok Karl. We got you long awaited rain here last night, Thanks. No heavy winds, just a nice easy saturation rain. It wasn't enough to fill the streams or ponds, but...... One good thing, I can get into the stream and clean it out, the logs and brush etc.

I think the better half can live on ice cream.

Enjoy the day
Good morning chicken wranglers,
It is a scorcher today 97 already and they are predicting 100 tomorrow.That just happens to be the day of the outage for the paper mill.It is always over a 100 degrees inside there even on a col;d day.Coffey is good even when it is warm.
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Another 100 degree day in store for us here.I am header to Texas as of Saturday and it is going to be in the 100s all week there oh well get used to it.We will have to endure.Ice Coffey anyone?
God Bless!
It feels about the same here Karl. Have you been getting these thunder/lighting storms? At the moment, I'll take the water no matter how hard it falls. I lucked out this year in the garden. I put on such a thick layer of barn cleanings that I only had to water it once so far.
We are hitting the Jersey shore this weekend for a few days. Then it's off to upstate NY.

Off to get a pizza........................
We are hitting the Jersey shore this weekend for a few days.
Say Hi to Snooki for me.


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We have rain here rain and rain and more rain! Our weather is crazy. No summer at all. The plants are rotting in the ground. The Hens are up to their beaks in mud again. It is really quite depressing! Can we swap a bit of your sun and high temps for our rain and low temps?

I am missing my big old fur ball like crazy so excuse me for not being on form.

On the funny side my DD came over last night wanting me to help her with her hair. OMG! She had at one time when I was in charge a most beautiful head of golden deep red wringlets down to her bum! But that was not good enough for her. So like a lot of kids teens came and the hair went. She had it short and dyed it dark brown. Attacked it with straightners, burned it with an iron. Hacked bits out and stuck bits of other peoples hair in? Now as a busy young mum in her early 20 somethings the hair was the last thing on her mind and so for a good while she has just piled it up best she could on the back of her head with a bobble round it. So after a few struggles she managed to free it from not one bobble but three and one she didn;t know was there. IT was honestly worse than a big Dog tat from the old English! It was like a bit of carpet! Here she is saying Mummy "do something". I grab the nearest scissors much to her dismay. I tell her best thing is a Pixi or kiss curls and start over! I tell her I wouldn;t be that cruel to the dog trying to untangle that. But never one for giving up she stood teasing it out and snipping away at the massive tats for an hour! Last I saw her she had managed to get four plaits of untangled hair done at the front. Then she gave up and went home. I have no idea what will turn up today? I just have instruction to layer it out and hide the bits she hacked off. Kids? I keep telling her to put it in plaits but will she listen? I told her if your going to wear it up put it in one long plait and roll it don;t just grab handfulls and twist into a bobble? I have no idea what I will do with her. When she was little and I was in charge it was a sight to behold now I just want to run! She looks like cousin it! from the Adams family!

Oes - now where did I put the garden shears?
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Good morning chicken wranglers,
Oes good to hear from you.Q say hi to what ever that is on the jersey shore for me too.
Oes perhaps your daughter should get a shenaid oconner hair dew?"Not meaning to offend"but at least she could start over.
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Oes good to hear from you.Q say hi to what ever that is on the jersey shore for me too.
Oes perhaps your daughter should get a shenaid oconner hair dew?"Not meaning to offend"but at least she could start over.
God Bless!

It is ok all fixed! She came back yesturday with most of it sorted. I just cut about 5 inches off to level it up and put a few layers in. It is still down past her shoulders so could have been worse. Anyhow it looks more like a "life choice" not a disaster now.

I knew all that practice with the Old english dog coat would come in handy!

Good Morning People,

It's been trying to rain here the last few days. We are having a bumper crop of butternut squashes this year. I am glad we are down to the last week of July.... I can start the count down till vacation.

Gargoyle - aaaaaaaaaa Snoocki? I have heard of the name, but that's about it. If she's between the house and beach, and a big name tag on, I'll say hello.

oesdog - Way back when, men were men and ......... my hair was classified as "strawberry blonde". When I had it cut, it was given to "locks of love"(?) for a free hair cut/wash etc. It was down past my belt. Now a days, I sport a crew cut in the spring and summer, and let it grown out in the fall to winter. What hair I have, is turning white.

Karl - Safe trip. You have to bring your own water?
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Q I never thought of it ,But I'll get a few cases to take and leave other unnecessary stuff at home!It has tried to rain here all day and the past few also.It is really a tease for us to look at the clouds and get no relief.
Back in the day my hair was reddish blond,Strawberry sounds so girlly,Q.My 2 lads have had no haircut since birth.Both in pony tails down to their butts.My hair does not grow long anymore but is still down below shoulders and has not even been trimmed for 15 years.
I'm going to my 35Th highjschool reunion this year and praying that is does not all fall out before then.The color factor is brown now" I think",Gray is not noticeable,"without my glasses on" and I never wear them to the mirror!
God Bless! Safe Weekend All!

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