Coffee's ready...

Late getting my caffeine fix today - had blood drawn at the doctor's in prep for my physical next week. That was all good - interaction with the new receptionist was not!
Good thing they did not check my blood pressure today.
Late getting my caffeine fix today - had blood drawn at the doctor's in prep for my physical next week. That was all good - interaction with the new receptionist was not!
Good thing they did not check my blood pressure today.
Does it every amaze you that some people who interact with other humans are so not nice? Just had to have a xray. Wish folks were in a s good a mood as I am. Of course some would probably say it's just cuz I'm not right.

I think they should play that "Happy" song on all the elevators every fifteen minutes.
This lady is new, and I'm not sure what her problem was, but I know it was not me until she chose to make ME become her problem. The girl who took my blood said, "Wow you straightened her up. She's been snotty to people all morning." I don't understand such behavior. Just because I don't give you a load crap doesn't mean that I am a push over.
Pancakes at Cracker Barrel made everything better.
Those are some handsome looking amendments to your flock Karl. You'll save a lot on Ghost's trick or treating costumes on Halloween.

Sourland, I usually respond with over the top politeness, it usually works pretty well when you are making it cleat that you are just being polite to annoy someone.
Sourland, I usually respond with over the top politeness, it usually works pretty well when you are making it cleat that you are just being polite to annoy someone.

That is taking the higher ground - perhaps if I had the proper caffeine level I MIGHT have done that.
That is taking the higher ground - perhaps if I had the proper caffeine level I MIGHT have done that.
Oh no, I make it perfectly clear that I'm messing with them. "Why of course Honorable Sir, I apologize for standing still in your path, how inconsiderate of me. What was I thinking? You might have tripped and twisted your ankle!"

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