Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Felix nice saw! Oh and a nice coop. My love for power tools over rode my good manners.
R.H. you were a mail man before raising chickens my what a drastic change of life. Ever have withdrawals ? Just have to put on a bag and carry it around ? You could use it to collect your eggs!
I was a news boy in the 70's I was never so glad to give up a carrier opportunity as that.
You fellas cra
ck me up ! well gotta work ,God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Felix nice saw! Oh and a nice coop. My love for power tools over rode my good manners.
R.H. you were a mail man before raising chickens my what a drastic change of life. Ever have withdrawals ? Just have to put on a bag and carry it around ? You could use it to collect your eggs!
I was a news boy in the 70's I was never so glad to give up a carrier opportunity as that.
You fellas cra
ck me up ! well gotta work ,God Bless!
The saw is a godsend. I borrowed it from a friend two years ago. I keep asking when he want's it back, but he assures me he doesn't have any projects in the horizon. Also borrowed a pneumatic nailgun from him. Really made putting the coop together easy.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Felix nice saw! Oh and a nice coop. My love for power tools over rode my good manners.
R.H. you were a mail man before raising chickens my what a drastic change of life. Ever have withdrawals ? Just have to put on a bag and carry it around ? You could use it to collect your eggs!
I was a news boy in the 70's I was never so glad to give up a carrier opportunity as that.
You fellas cra
ck me up ! well gotta work ,God Bless!
As a matter of fact I do. I dream about it now and then.

I retired and got chickens. Ya gotta have other interests than the job or you'll got nuts. I also garden, volunteer, read and other things. AND of course visit here.
My wife says I'm addicted but I just need to keep up with these posts or get left behind.

I do still wear my Postal jacket to the coop in the rainy and cold winter days.
This is an absolute truth! I don't know how I ever had time to go to work. I still have 'work' dreams upon occasion, but then I wake up and smile.

Shortly after I retired I sat in the back yard with a glass of lemonade, a magazine and the chickens running around. Sun shining, you get the picture? And I thought this is so cool, what did I ever do to deserve such a day.
Shortly after I retired I sat in the back yard with a glass of lemonade, a magazine and the chickens running around. Sun shining, you get the picture? And I thought this is so cool, what did I ever do to deserve such a day.

EARLY mornings, a good cup of coffee, and no place that I HAVE to go.

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