Coffee's ready...

Felix, I've got saw envy!
Interesting roof shingles.
Felix, I've got saw envy!
Interesting roof shingles.
Sadly, it's only a loaner (going on two years now).

It's bitumen roofing, the shingles are hexagonal. Quite nice to work with, it comes in about 3 foot wide strips that have a glue surface behind them and you only need 4 nails per strip.

Finished (on the outside, still needs shelves) product:

Morning People,

Looks like everyone is moving right along with summer. Nice looking tool cabinet Felix. Karl, you have yourself quite a collection of horses.

6 more quarts of pickles on the shelves. I made 11 quarts so far and only have 7 left. Between my son-in-law and nephew last weekend.... The son-in-law help put my coke sign up on the shed, sooooo. I started drying some kale/sage/dill yesterday. Getting ready to start moving the meaties to the freezer tomorrow. I am hoping to just have the turkeys left for my oldest rat to take care of when we are on vacation.....

For broodies: I isolate the hen from the flock for a 5 - 6 days. Far enough away so she can't see the flock. They seem to go through phases, happy, grumpy, sad. When they are over grumpy going to sad, I'll put her back with the others. I just went through with one now. I think the turkey chicks set her off, I know the meatie chicks do. Keep them fed and watered.

Enjoy your day,
RancherHicks: So true about having hobbies. I have a few myself. The only hobby that is starting to turn into a problem according to my better half, is my wood shop. She's been making comments that it is turning into a "job"....... I am even getting the "looks" from the kids.

I heard this saying: "Stop moving and you'll rust"
Good morning chicken wranglers,
I envy the retired, I got called in today and I'll work tomorrow and work when I get ?home.
Felix Looks nice.
God Bless your week end .
Good morning chicken wranglers,
I envy the retired, I got called in today and I'll work tomorrow and work when I get ?home.
Felix Looks nice.
God Bless your week end .

Well I've heard it said that retirement is "half as much money and twice as much husband". But retirement can be good if you have the right expectations. If you expect to travel the world, then you might have a hard time. If you expect to enjoy your home, family and friends then it can be good.

I've been retired for six years now. I had a couple of jobs that didn't work out. I'm here of course so you know I have chickens, been to see the kids in other states and can stay with them so that's nice, volunteer during the school year, have church, my garden, canning, reading and grandkids, so it can be good.
The lighter stuff is only supposed to be installed under the darker stuff, it's a bit thinner. Both are however waterproof materials, so it should work fine. Today was a long day, after finishing the shed, I still put together a tomato shelf for the wall. Now it's time to go to bed.

It's really nice. You should be proud.

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