Coffee's ready...

Bacon and eggs here with fried tomato from the yard and lovely big fresh toasted rolls. - Oh I do love Sunday breakfasts! But that was hours ago and it is near dinner time.
Tonight we are having lovely roast pork with apples and peaches! With homemade grapefruit jelly glaze! Scrummy!
After that we are having apple and peach crumble with cinammon and nutmeg topped off with cream! Ok peaches were on offer at the mall this week!

Oes - getting a coffee!
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If you need more grit you could eat some oyster shell or crushed limestone.

Funny thing Gargoyle, I saw someone eat about 1/2 dozen littlenecks, shells and all at a party. He was trying to impress someone. Now watching people eat whole chowder clams, that is something to watch. Being young and foolish.........
Good morning chicken wranglers
Fresh weather and cool morning's round here . We 've had a bit of spell around my house. We had to lay deb's dad to rest last Wed. the last 2 weeks have been busy between hospital and mortuary ,last will and testament responsibilities all taking up a lot of time .It has been quite the sad ordeal. Well Ya'll have a good day .
God Bless!
Hello Karl, our condolences to you and your family.
The weather here for the last week or so has been great. The mid 40's during the nights and mid 70's during the day. My green house/shed is all most done. I can't believe it has taken all summer to make. Sometime this week I am going to start so kale,swiss chard and lettuce and see how long I can keep them going.

So fallenangle79 what's your favorite coffee?

Enjoy your day
Good morning chicken wranglers'
Foggeeee around hyaa this mawnin .Dunn set the kids ta milkin tha cow an a tossin hay ta the stock . Pert near time for a cup o cawfee.
Good day God Bless!

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