Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Christmas is over and only one holiday left. I got a cool black powder rifle for Christmas. I cannot wait to see what my new years present is?
Rngr congrats hope the new year proves fruitful.
Oes , Q, Gargoyle, God Bless! and hope the same for Ya'll.
Gosh Karl your so like DH - Christmas is the whole season not just the bit when you open your own gifts! lol

I like to think it starts on 1st Dec adn ends on 1st Jan.

Gosh Karl your so like DH - Christmas is the whole season not just the bit when you open your own gifts! lol

I like to think it starts on 1st Dec adn ends on 1st Jan.


On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three French hens.

Hens in Kentucky Yes!!!!!! But not French hens. Hopefully Buff Orps, NH Reds and Bard Rock.

The truck is here. Attic and cellar empty, well almost. Crew coming tomorrow and Sunday to load. Closings still scheduled for Jan. 17 and 31. Scary and exciting at the same time. The truck pulling up really made it real.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
How exciting, moving to a new home is exciting enough but a new state and close to family has to be greater yet .
New year is rolling in . Any tummy tucking and weight losing resolutions . I should resolve to gain weight and it would be the only one kept ever since I started the ridiculous tradition.
Dear wife has purchased Rosetta stone French and resolved that we should all learn to speak Francais for the new year. Good luck I'm not smart enough for that.
Je ne parlais pas de francais monsieur.
God Bless!

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