Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
I know what you mean but all of us suffering together is still suffering Q.
We have 50 this morning and thunder storms last night, which most would take over the snow, and I'm all in on ,at least it's not snow!
I should try grapes maybe the deer would not eat the vines. There are quite a few wild vines in our woods, nothing you can eat . The pit is bigger than the fruit on those grapes.
Central Il. Send me a hint of what would grow well here.
God Bless!
quercus21, I'd love to get more egg layers this year, but DH strictly limits the number of my chickens.

Today a close-to-record high of 80 is possible, with severe storms/possible tornadoes tonight. I hope it isn't going to be that bad.
I live inside city limits, by just a few hundred feet so I can only have 4 hens, no roosters and I love my girls, however 2 of them are a few years old now and I don't know how long they will continue to lay eggs. I will not kill them when they stop laying but I will sure miss the fresh eggs we get. The 2 younger ones just started laying last fall so they should be going strong for awhile. It will be hard when they all stop laying and I cannot have anymore until they die. That seems so wrong. I think we should be able to have 4 laying hens in the ..goes to petition local councilman.
welcome Jason. actually having coffee as I write.

Hey gang, looked out my window and discovered a back lot neighbor has Chickens. Get MY NEW BABIES ON TUES. SET UP A BRODER YESTERDAY Now I only need to get a tree trunk down and chipped and build my new coop. going to be 6 x 10 will send pic.s. as we go along.

Stumpy Just notice your post. Hope for buff Orps, NH reds, and either barred rock or Laced wyandots. 2 each.
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welcome Jason. actually having coffee as I write.

Hey gang, looked out my window and discovered a back lot neighbor has Chickens. Get MY NEW BABIES ON TUES. SET UP A BRODER YESTERDAY Now I only need to get a tree trunk down and chipped and build my new coop. going to be 6 x 10 will send pic.s. as we go along.

Stumpy Just notice your post. Hope for buff Orps, NH reds, and either barred rock or Laced wyandots. 2 each.
me too.
Just opened up the chickens and gave them food.
now I'm here with a cup of Petes French Roast
Hi my name is Jason and Im a Coffaholic
Good morning Jason, I am a coffaholic too..and I am not looking to change either
I am having my coffee as I type also. This morning I am moving a little slowly. It has been a long week at work so I needed the rest. Good luck with your chicks and building a new area for them. I love projects and the satisfaction of getting things done. I am not a carpenter although I can make and fix most 'small project' things. I would really like a new bigger coop for my 4 girls but I don't know how to build one. I have been looking online for a pre built one. They are out of my budget for right now so I am making do with the two small FTS mini coops I have. I do have a wonderful fenced secure run for them and the 2 new ones from last year spent the winter in the greenhouse they are finally the same size as my older girls so they are going into the big run this spring.
Sorry to be so does that to me.
Good morning Jason, I am a coffaholic too..and I am not looking to change either
I am having my coffee as I type also. This morning I am moving a little slowly. It has been a long week at work so I needed the rest. Good luck with your chicks and building a new area for them. I love projects and the satisfaction of getting things done. I am not a carpenter although I can make and fix most 'small project' things. I would really like a new bigger coop for my 4 girls but I don't know how to build one. I have been looking online for a pre built one. They are out of my budget for right now so I am making do with the two small FTS mini coops I have. I do have a wonderful fenced secure run for them and the 2 new ones from last year spent the winter in the greenhouse they are finally the same size as my older girls so they are going into the big run this spring.
Sorry to be so does that to me.
no problem at all.
i am not a carpenter at all and found it works best to just start building and throw out the plans lol. Or I over think it.
Fence boards are easy to cut and make nice side to a coop,
I made a pallet based coop for my babies . out of a barefoot tree pallet. others will work similar


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