Coffee's ready...

Hey Texas It is always time for Hot Coffee first thing. You need the hot to get the system unstuck. Then Iced coffee and/or Iced tea.

Spent yesterday cutting back DD's Hemlock hedge in her back yard. Just let go for the last ten years or so. Already sore and haven't started on the coop yet. Have to get it built. the girls have out grown the brooder already and the one pound feeder I had has out lived it usefulness, filling it 2 -3 times a day is ridiculous. Put large feeder in had to put it so low there isn't room underneath so cuts down on their room. The waterer still seams to be ok with 2 filling per day.

Ok now for the picture.

See my coop? It is where those 6 little fence post are. And yes Q it is all about food for me too. That is my pitiful grill. It is the one we use camping. My "big" one got left in Pittsfield. It needed new diffusers and probably a couple of burners which would cost about the same as a new one down here. Now I am haggling with DW as to the model I can get. I would like one of those new fangled IR ones but they are so expensive. The pile of wood chips is not spilt bedding but a big ol' tree stump we had taken out. 12' high and 3' across. Broke in a storm I'm told and only limbed out. Property mgr. said it was a healthy tree. Half of one side gone and about six branches 3" long with 1-2 leaves each. Not totally happy with the chipping job but we got a lot more work out of the crew that took the stump down to ground and cleaned up all the junk brush from the back "front" fence line. (where the green fence post, and thermometer are) So I am not complaining.
Morning People,
I have to agree with you RngrBill, at least 1 cup of coffee in the morning to get everything moving along, no matter what the weather is like. I woke to 43 this morning, maybe 60 today. So it's a hot coffee/tea day. When it does warm up, ice coffee/tea during the day.

Sounds and looks like you are moving ahead there RngrBill. Are you going to have a garden for all that compost you'll be producing?

I use to have a gas grill......... become a money abyss. I am back to wood/charcoal. I usually have plenty of scraps laying around and you can't beat white oak smoked food. Way, way way back when....... I use to use a 16" wheel for a pit. It would hold a 16" grill. I still have one as a fire pit. They work well and last a long long time. I figure one day I'll make one of those stone/brick grills. I grew up with one at my grandparents house.

Off to see the surgeon today, hopeful to be cleared for the other knee.........

Taking the better half on a picnic for supper tonight. We know of a spot were bald eagles are nesting, so we might check them out.

Enjoy the day, it's the only one
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Q hope the surgeon clears you for the procedure as long as it is what you want! Sounds painful.
Rngr hope you do not over work yourself, but it looks like you have gotten a lot done so far. I must agree coffee will get you pumping in the morning if you aren't already going .
My little peeps are still in the 7 x 3 brooder and should last there for at least another month or 6 weeks. I will then transfer them to a horse stall in the barn. and after that the chicken yard fortunately for me all of that is prebuilt . My biggest concern is tilling and planting the garden and getting the taters out right now. We awakened to 40 and a 3" rain forecast, so I should be checking the overflow on the pond it has a tendency to plug up every spring due to the twigs leaves and whatnots on the surface. A good day to all!
God Bless!
Morning people,
Looks like we are in for some of your rain Karl. Yep I am looking for to the surgery. Sounds like you are moving ahead there with your birds.

"On this day, 33 long long long long years ago, a young boy's/man's freedom was cut short. Just entering his prime of his life, where the whole world was open to him, the fruits of his labor before him. He made a fatal mistake while enjoying the nectar of the Gods. A hard harsh lesson was learned, in which to this day he never forgot. A lesson learned at a young age that has shaped his life........ When making life alliterating changes, do it with a clear head, stay away from the nectar. Would I do it again, yes I would. Except I wouldn't start my marriage off with a hangover......... Here's to my better half, my hat is off to you for putting up with me. She must still like me, she does everything she can to keep me around in this world, or is she prolonging the .............dun dun dun dun dun"

Enjoy the day, it's the only one
Good morning, y'all. I'm enjoying an extra-strong cup of coffee and chicory this morning while it rains. The dogwoods are blooming and the leaves should be out on all the trees in a matter of days now. I was in Tractor Supply yesterday to buy food and managed to avoid looking at chicks. I've built some raised beds this spring because of the clay, too. My trouble is finding soil to put in them. Buying it by the bag costs and arm and a leg. I have compost started -- mostly wood chips, but it's not ready yet. Have a great day!
Morning People,
Looks like the rain is over with for a few days. We picked up some seeds yesterday and saw the nursery has some nice peach, cherry and blueberries plants for sale. So off to the nursery this am to grab a few of each.

Stumpy; The only thing flowering here are the snowdrops. The tops of my horseradish haven't even turned green yet. I'm looking forward to it, nothing like fresh horseradish.
Stumpy, do you have gravel banks in your area? When I am ready for my raise beds, I'll get at least 6 - 8 yards delivered to the house. I can always use extra dirt. It's a lot cheaper then bags.

Enjoy the day, it's the only one
Ok! things are starting to move. Yesterday, after the lumber was delivered, and today made some major headway. The "foundation is put up and laid out. Still needs to be leveled and oriented properly. My two 4' end walls are also framed up with the plywood cut to size. One needs a ventilation window put in and the framing for the roost and poop board put on. It needs to be in place for that. The other needs the ~~framing for the roost and poop board put on, the clean out window and the nest boxes framed out. Like wise need to be put out for that. We'll see how much I can get done tomorrow.

Tonight I put the heat lamp back up. It is supposed to get down to the 30's although they would be probably ok in the unheated attached garage I figure they are under enough stress with the snug quarters.

Some of the pics are sideways so be careful not to spill your coffee as you look at them
Quercus, I don't know what you mean exactly. I will probably drive a pickup to a landscape place about an hour away and get some topsoil there this week, and get a little at a time until I get enough.
Morning people,
Cool this morning, 25 degs....... Planted 2 peach trees, 2 blueberries and started some kale and Swiss chard. We are going on a nice little walk today. It's going to be nice with a high of mid to upper 50's.

RngrBill: Looks like you are moving ahead. Are you going to keep it up off the ground? Around here you have to, to keep creators from living under it.

Stumpy: Around here we have gravel banks. Sort of like open pit dirt extraction companies for the construction and landscaping companies. You can order up everything from dirt to cobble stones from them. There is a place across the river you can get mushroom dirt. You buy the material in bulk, in "yards". A yard is 3 feet square (27 cubic feet). Some places charge a delivery charge and some don't.

Enjoy the day, it's the only one
Quercus21, sounds like a pretty day. We're expecting about 3 inches of rain.

We have similar businesses -- just had never heard the term "gravel bank." Delivery charges would be quite expensive to my place.

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