Coffee's ready...

Aug 09, 2014 21:25 UTC

or 1 USD = 0.745630 EUR

1.68 eur = 2.25312 USD

now 1 litre = .264 gallons so 1 gallon = 3.785 Litres

so 1 gallon of gas cost 3.785 x 2.25312 = $8.528

God help us if we get to that point here in the states. and so that's it for todays math lesson.

counting eggs is much easier now my head hurts. or is that hertz if we go to electric cars and trucks?
I too have a Caravan 2002. I wish I'd gotten the extended version like our last one and a V 6 engine. I use mine to haul chicken feed and lately a pallet or two. I used them to make a sturdier compost bins. Similar to this but mine is back up to a chain link fence and has a plywood back. I occasionally find them near by and will save them til I have enough to make something useful.

I tried the Volkswagen Amarok, it was a really nice car. It only has a 2 liter turbodiesel, but that thing puts out enough power to move it around nicely, and you can pull pretty heavy loads. The 4wd system was really nice too, that thing could take some pretty rough terrain.

One thing that is easy for conversions, is that you can just do them instantly in google. I use Chrome as my browser, so I can just type the query straight in the address field. "5 liters per 100km in miles per gallon" or "1.68 euros per liter in USD per gallon" give you the conversions immediately. You can do the same for measurements, weights, volume etc. Usually I just do it in my head, but double conversions take a bit more thinking and the currency exchange rate might have changed a bit since I last looked it up. With google, you get the daily exchange rate for currency immediately instead.
Morning people,
A few years back we had a Chevy Astro van. We had it for close to 8/9 years for moving the rats back and forth to college. It was nice for hiking and camping or road trips. It held a lot of materials, plus you could also put a twin air mattress in the back for comfy sleeping. The worst thing about it, close to every 6 months you had to replace the rotor and cap. Our current truck is a Ford Ranger. This is the forth Ranger I have own. 4 wheel drive, which we need on one of the last approaches to a trail we were doing. I keep talking about it, but one day I should get a winch for it. It's only a matter of time before the better half will be pushing
. The truck is more or less a work truck tho. From hauling firewood/feed/material at least once or twice a week.

In the future, we will be getting a hybrid or electric car. Our little rat has a Prius. When she visits us, it cost her about $20 - $30. When we visit her, our cost is close to $100 - $125.

Enjoy the day
Question for everyone:
Who names their vehicles?

The Astro van was: Vinny ( Vincent van Gogh )
The Ranger: Ranger Rick

A few old ones:
Bucket truck: Puff the magic dragon
Boom truck: boomer

I had a Fiat Uno named Bammy (the license plate was BAM- something) and a Peugeot 307, Libby (LBY-184). Our current cars are a Peugeot 406, Pösö ("the Pug" in Finnish) or sometimes Gamylen ("oldtimer" in Swedish), and a Nissan X-Trail, known as the Datsun.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
My daughter seems to think all tings need names, The truck was Luke ,Which really should have been Dentsy after she was through with it! All the cattle get named, we are currently eating elvis as all of the herc steak is about gone . Personally I have never given a name to a vehicle and I do not name the things that I like to eat, although the dairy cow is Rebel and I just bought a steer that I call, buck 60 since that was what I paid for him at the sale barn. Now I could name a gun as long as she never missed and brought down all game on the first shot a clean kill, but that could not happen as long as I OPPERATED IT. I think all animals are fairly safe when I am the stalker not by choice but by fallibility .
I dug up the potato patch Saturday and Sunday, we brought in a fair shake on potato's . Only problem was that it was wet out so they were all muddy. We set them out to dry so we can at least rub some of the dirt off before they go into storage. I did not like the idea of washing them, It seems to me that it may facilitate rot . I could be wrong but that is my feeling. Anyone know better?
God Bless!
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We canned close to a bushel of peaches yesterday. Today I am hoping to start on the tomatoes. They are coming slow, different stages. So I figured a bunch of small batches through the season. It's suppose to rain tomorrow, so I hope to mow/hay the lawn today and plant the collard greens. Does anyone have carrots growing? We are picking them more or less to thin they. They are big enough to cook with.

More meaties are coming in next week. I need to build a roost for the turkeys in their pen. They don't seem to be going into the coop, but rather sleep outside.

One project I'll never get to this year are replacing the windows in the house. Having a contractor stop by today to give us a price.

Enjoy your day

hey Q sounds good wish I had enough time to jelly the plumbs we have so many of, maybe I can get the LOML to stay home from work one day to make jelly. The kids were picking and eating Saturday, I may not have any left if it keeps going!

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