Coffee's ready...

Morning people,
I would like to give my usually "I hope everyone is doing well", but I feel I would be teasing @rngrbill . So out of solidarity for @rngrbill , I'll leave it at a "good morning to all". I have heard shingles are none to fun to have.

We have a heat spell going on here the last few days, upper 60's to low 70's, 51 right now. The brussle sprouts haven't started forming the heads, has anyone grown them before? Leaves are forming the sprouts usually are but, nothing in the center of the leaves. First time for growing them and thought I would give them a try.

I wonder what the winter is going to look like with regards to snow storms. Seems like when it rains around here, it just pours, I mean hard. Seems like you get instant puddles on the lawn.

Enjoy your day

Get the shots. I didn't. never had the pox so figured I was safe. Dr. just told me you don't have to have had them only to be exposed to the virus. My elementary class was an average of 50 kids so I am sure I was exposed.

I had them way back when, and now sporting scares to show for it.
Get the shots. I didn't. never had the pox so figured I was safe. Dr. just told me you don't have to have had them only to be exposed to the virus. My elementary class was an average of 50 kids so I am sure I was exposed.

I never had symptoms, but both sisters had chicken pox so the virus must 'live' in my body. I've had friends with shingles - no fun. Thinking of you, Ranger.
Morning People,
Looks like we are in for our first frost of the season tonight. Seems a bit late, but.... I'm about half way done with the firewood for this year, so ole man winter can take his time. I can say the snow blower is all set for another year, the snow shovel on the other hand.......

Hopefully planting some garlic next week. I was going to try a bulb/seed from the crop I grew last year. See what happens. I am trying 2 different kinds, Both are "hardnecks", chesnok and music. I don't know really what the difference except by the packaging description. Live and learn.

Enjoy your day,

Morning People,
Looks like we are in for our first frost of the season tonight. Seems a bit late, but.... I'm about half way done with the firewood for this year, so ole man winter can take his time. I can say the snow blower is all set for another year, the snow shovel on the other hand.......

Hopefully planting some garlic next week. I was going to try a bulb/seed from the crop I grew last year. See what happens. I am trying 2 different kinds, Both are "hardnecks", chesnok and music. I don't know really what the difference except by the packaging description. Live and learn.

Enjoy your day,


Still don't have the snow blower set in place. I usually have it set directly inside, in the middle and in front of the door. That way when I open the door I can just start it up and off I go.

I've read to use the garlic from your own garden so whatever kind I've been buying at the farmers market is the kind I'm planting. We shall see how it goes. I usually buy from more than one stand and since I've read they're all pretty much the same I don't ask what kind they are. I reckon I could order some from the catalogs and see how they do too.
They are talking frost for us tonight - definitely late this year. As for me, I am about 5 degrees from breaking out my long underwear.
Morning People,
Looks like we are in for our first frost of the season tonight. Seems a bit late, but.... I'm about half way done with the firewood for this year, so ole man winter can take his time. I can say the snow blower is all set for another year, the snow shovel on the other hand.......

Hopefully planting some garlic next week. I was going to try a bulb/seed from the crop I grew last year. See what happens. I am trying 2 different kinds, Both are "hardnecks", chesnok and music. I don't know really what the difference except by the packaging description. Live and learn.

Enjoy your day,

Botanical Interests has a video on planting garlic.

There are two basic types of Garlic. Hardneck and Softneck . Hardneck produces "scapes". Soft necks do not. Varieties of the two are basically the same.

I've read that if you plant it and no matter the depth, come spring they will all be at the same depth. I've also read you should plant it by the light of the moon. I wonder if I should have stuck mine in the ground during the eclipse we just had.

DO NOT as one person told me they did, cover it with garden cloth. He was surprised that it didn't come up.
Straw or hay should be enough.

In either case watch the video and see if you learn anything new.
White stuff all over the back lawn this morning guess we had our 1st frost. My 2 SLWs spent the night in the run. When DW went to close them in the run it was dark and she didn't see them out there. Guess they didn't like it that I cleaned the coop yesterday.
Frost here too this morning. I once had a kit of Birmingham Rollers that spent 24 hours on the loft roof because I dared to change their deep litter bedding. Birds hate change.
White stuff all over the back lawn this morning guess we had our 1st frost. My 2 SLWs spent the night in the run. When DW went to close them in the run it was dark and she didn't see them out there. Guess they didn't like it that I cleaned the coop yesterday.

Frost here too this morning. I once had a kit of Birmingham Rollers that spent 24 hours on the loft roof because I dared to change their deep litter bedding. Birds hate change.

I took the plywood top off this shelter just outside their coop to use elsewhere and the EE's went into molt. I've got to replace it asap and increase the protein in their feed. Oh and clean their coop. The new one is directlty across from the coop. This is not a today's pic but there was a little snow on the ground. Time to get that garlic in.


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