Coffee's ready...


When da Bing was 5 months, I took him on a 3 week road trip, in my new truck. It has chew marks all over the inside, and we left a trail of destroyed motel rooms wherever we went.....
Oh yeah! We drove to RI ( Where I'm from) and had Sampson in the back seat of the truck. He managed to chew halfway thru the seatbelt before my daughter noticed his sneaky ways!

He also had a habit of stealing half my sandwich/hamburger when I wasn't looking for a second. I'd be talking, hamburger/sandwich in hand waving around. Sam would come in like a ninja. Wham...half my food gone.
My daughter, and DH would start laughing, as I was chasing his behind around the yard.

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Dogs are so funny! We don't have children, so the dogs are "children". WQhen Tiger, the hound was little he would climb up on the dining table and hang out until he got caught. No food, he's just one of those hounds who likes to be up. He still gets on the picnic table out back to lounge.

We also have a black husky mix who's 15 or so. We are facing the dreaded decision in a year or two. Hate it, but I'm not going to dwell on it.
We have a rescue dog named Brody who does the whole snoopy thing. He'll sleep on any table he can get too.

He also likes to just lay in the middle of grass for hours on end. We had a neighbor stop one day...You have a dead dog back there. Huh?? what dead dog? I said. That yellow dog, he's dead....Been lying like that for hours.

I go back and look. Hmmm, BRODY! He pops up and comes wiggling over. Scared the crap out of the neighbor.

Morning all!

Wow...I went to bed way too early last night.
It's a brisk foggy morning here. I'm getting ready to go open the coop and be entertained by the chooks for a while
. It's soooo peaceful here this time of morning. I'm sure I'll see a few deer in our back pasture this morning...they use it as they're "expressway" to the woods across the road. I'll be back later...after I'm done enjoying my coffee and taking in all the beauty of this country morning.

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