Coffee's ready...

Morning Shelley

We took Sophie to the neighbors again last night. They run an equine center, and bought there place about the same time we bought ours. Anyway, We will have a Zebra here starting next week LOL It will be here on Monday, and we will have pictures.
It will be here next 3 months for training. My daughter is beyond excited to see a Zebra up close


Nothin' better than waking up early in the morning and enjoying the outdoors before the rest of the world wakes up. I'm usually up between 3:00-4:00 am every morning and the first thing I do is make coffee!! Then I go outside to enjoy the peace and quiet...and wait for the sun to rise. Of course I have to wake the birds up

I'd take the early mornings over ANY other part of the day.....I love it.
Bluemoon....those last pics of Sophia have me really wanting a GS now!

River Lizard...mornings are my fave part of the day, too
. I get so much enjoyment out of getting outside to listen and watch everything coming alive for the day. It's just gotta be the best form of stress relief
. But I have to say...late evening sunsets are pretty peaceful, too...a beautiful way to end a beautiful day.
I don't drink coffee unless it is cold with ice and milk and spices and then I hardly drink that alot...

I will grab a glass of iced tea and enjoy with ya....It was nice out this morning. It is so cool at daylight so you have to enjoy that fast before it turns into a sauna (sp?)

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