Coffee's ready...

Morning All......

I finally land a job, so I am off to my first day of work. Thank goodness, I think I gained a bunch of wieght being out of work......such as life.
I have tons of stuff going at the house, but I guess it is not as physical as it seems! That an I cook a whole lot we I am not working......DH has gotten way to use to big meals lately!
River Lizard, Bill might be bringing you some rain!

Morning all, a bit slow here this morning- probably lots of folks getting the kids back to school?

Good morning .. one cup in .. still can't focus (which was a trick while driving to work .. lol)

School starts here on Monday .. scrambling this week to get prepared .. picking up supplies .. picking up schedules .. confirming bus pickup times .. etc..

I think I prefer summer too...
My daughter doesn't go back until Sept. 3rd. They changed it back to no school before labor day
It made more sense since most of the kids weren't back from out of state until late August, and they had a lot of empty classrooms.

I'm not sure if Michigan does that too now, but my DH said it was that way when he was young. He grew up here.
Bluemoon.......that's not the type of rain I'm looking for!!

Don't need buckets coming down with high winds!! Plus....I'm planning on going fishin' again this Friday so Bill better just BACK OFF until at least Sunday!!
I wasn't sending you Bill I swear!

I just saw a story on the news about asian flying fish, and they are trying to keep them from coming to Lake Michigan with an electrical fence. They were showing these fish flying all over the place, and it hit one guy in the shoulder, and knocked him over almost!


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