Coffee's ready...

Other than watching for the "penciling" on the girls, not really. The males seem to have a redder chest & hackles earlier too. (Like if the head & neck area is redder than the rest of the body) There is always the pointy feathers to look for, but sometimes they have to crow first! LOL and boy does it sound strange.

I'm hoping my Chanty hatch from your eggs yields me great results like my last Delaware hatch. Out of 7 heritage Dellies that hatched, I only have 1 rooster. Yes, it would've been nice to have a couple to choose from...but I'm NOT complaining or wishing it different.
I hope I do have a couple of Chanty roos, though.
Good morning everyone. I haven't had a chance to get on this week because of the dreaded back to school. Not only the kids but me too, because I work part time at the school. I wish somebody would explain to me why the time of year that has the nicest weather for getting stuff done is also the time of year that is the busiest with school, boy scouts, and kids sports. I am going to be so busy, that I will never get anything done!

Need Coffee!!!!
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Good morning chicken wranglers,
Got a horse yesterday. He upset the higherarcy of the pasture.
The normally dominate cow is all shook up! The Henny that usually cow tows to the matron kicked her in the face 3 or 4 times at the feeding trough. the retarded heffer just sat back and waited until it was all clear. The horse stands 16 - 2 tall, he dwarfs the cows and things may never be the same.Oh yeh big day. tonight we butcher the pig. My first time. Is it true you have to burn out the eyes?
Is it true you have to burn out the eyes?

butchering already? wow! i have to wait until the first week of nov. cant wait! bacon for all my friends!

have no idea about the eyes - why would you do that??? are you making head cheese??​
Half and Half?? I went for full fledged heavy whipping cream this morning ..

Coffeee is gooooooooooooooood...

Good morning everyone!
Only joking
we are having a family reunion and I am roasting the hog at my place. Maybe someone will find a date!
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