Coffee's ready...


Go take some benedryl. It will get better.
morning chicken wranglers,
I am also happy to report that it is friday. I hope things go better than they are starting. Poison Ivy is not an issue at my house, everyone except me and the youngest get huge welts and then blisters from it ,so they all recognize it and stay away from it.
I like the way the cows will clean it out for you if you let them graze in the area that it grows.
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Two boys, ten years apart. Oldest late for Reserves I had to wake him up. I woke up every hour from two am on it must be a mom alarm clock. First time in two years he wasn't up and ready a half hour before he had to leave. Youngest can't find glasses, long story his fault/not his fault but no glasses found yet, could be in the car that is at Reserves for the weekend.
My sympathies are with you, Quail_Antwerp! I just got over a bout with poison ivy. I don't know where I got it - thought it was a bug bite and scratched it into spreading which prolonged the agony.
And sick kids, too! Breathe deeply - take another sip.
All will be well.
Good morning all, I need another cup. OK, got it.

Sorry about the PI, That is one plant I shall never forget. I'm like KL and have a bad reaction to that stuff.

Opa is off and running. Hope the trip with Granny is a fun time. I used to take my Mom on lots of adventures. She was always ready, if I said an hour before time, "Hey Mom Lets take a drive" She knew it could be a day or a week and she would be ready. She was co-pilot. I swear she had all the back roads in Arizona memorized. What fun we had. She was the best to travel with. She is missed.

Pretty good Poem for a Friday morning.

Have a great day all.
That was a sweat video Thank you.

Well Thank goodness I do not have a reaction to PI. I sat in it one time to take a pee .. eakes Didn't know what it was at the time!

Very rainy day here. Good day for baking!
I wonder if they will postpone the football game. Kids are in Marching band so they would be their if it's on.

Nice hot cup of coffee on a rainy day, their is just something about it that SO RIGHT!.

Come to think of it. I cant imagine a time that Coffee doesn't go with .... lol

Amen to that . . .

By just about this time of day in 2001, I couldn't break away from the television and was so afraid for those poor souls escaping from the towers. The memory haunts me still.
I have a friend from HS that is an AP photographer embedded with the Marines, and his photos help me to never forget the sacrifices our armed forces are making for us daily. Here's a NY Times link so view some of his photos; he is very talented and was the photographer who took the photo "Marine in pink boxers" that drew much attention last year:
Here's the "marine in pink boxers"

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