Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers ,
Good to hear about the rain stopping.
I just got a call .I gotta go work on a elevator leg 135 feet up.
Oh, way to high for me! Be careful.

Coffee is cold - I have to go warm it up. I get it poured, and then I'm distracted. By the time I get back to my cup, it's unappetizing. It's only on the weekends that I can really enjoy it leisurely.

Cloudy here, but warm. I'm still collecting tomatoes and processing beans.
Have a great day!
Good morning to you all. I am sipping that 2nd cup, watching the sunrise. It is almost over. Sigh.
Boy Karl sounds like a scary job you have there. You be careful and have a good day. How is your Daughter doing?

It is windy here this morning and around 70. I have a motion light that turns on when the wind blows a little hard. When it comes on both Mr. Peep and Willy Boy start crowing. When it turns off they stop. Turns back on, they start. All night long. I am running some what slow this morning.

Got to go for PT this morning. I have a torn Rotater Cuff. Got to get some range of motion back. I know that it will hurt like heck. Dr. said to take a pain pill before I go. I am not looking forward to this trip into town.

Glad to hear that the rain has stopped for some of you guys.

I miss all the canning and preserving goings on. My girlfriends and I would get together at each others house,( kids and all) and help each other over the weekend. We would camp out, have a hot dog roast, The kids had a blast. Us girls would crank up the music and have a ball while we worked. We got the kids involved in learning how to do the work, as well in taking pride in what they did. Growing, harvest, and putting it up. Being able to stand back and look at the fruits of your labor. Best of all to open up a jar, and taste the magic. They grew and put up their own popcorn every year. Oh how they loved to Pop it on a cold winter night, and watch movies, drink sweet tea, (at night no less). No wonder they could stay awake.

Got to warm up my coffee now, get outside and let my chickens out. Everyone have a good day.
Good luck at the Doc Patti!

I'm a little slow today, on my second cup and had a cinnamon raisin english muffin with it... I still havent finished unloading the wood from my trailer LOL I have to today as I need my car and have to unhitch the trailer to use it hehehee All I can say is this wood better BURN well.

Hope you all are having a good day!

The only time I was successfully subscribed to a thread was when my cat walked across the keyboard...sorry, no help here.
I hope everyone had a good and productive day.
I cant remember if I had my coffee LoL
5 of my hens were walking up the road they got 0ut of their run
so I quick got there in time to tell Dh to get back in the
house he's out there in his P.J.s and a broom
what a sight.
Well all , so we were working on that all day. made it fowl proof
We hope...

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