Coffee's ready...

The Kuhl range feeder from Cutler Supply will hold a little over 40# of pellets and the feed doesn't get wet in rain or snow. My feed waste has been cut to zero.

I have 2 dehydrators that have 12 shelves each so they hold alot, however, when you look at the small pile of dried food you end up with it is a little unsettling. Three 5 gallon pails of apples resulted in 7 quart bags of dried fruit. One day soon we will have to make some fried apple pies with some of them.
Good morning everyone.

Well, I made some beef jerky with my dehydrator. It was a hit with the family. I only used about 4 lbs of meat seeing it was the first time. Well, everyone has been so busy eating it that is is already gone. Next time I will do more. So far I have done apples,bananas, and beef jerky. Any other ideas? Every weekend I am going to dehydrate something different.

Have a great day everyone!
hi everyone I hope your day started with a good
cup of coffee or tea.or what ever ,and got you started on what ever you need to get done.
Iam still in the lala stage. maybe the caffine is not working today.
have a great day, need to get out and do more out back.
Have a question my lone silky is 4 weeks old and feathers look
rather shabby. Is that normal.?
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The wing feathers are the first to come in and they should be "shredded" loooking - is that what you are seeing? The rest will come in looking like cotton candy

Cleaned about 3 years worth of paper clutter out of my basement yesterday - yuck!
I'm only about half done - have to sort what I kept now.

I also cleaned out the coop, sad to say I would rather do that any day. It's funny how the chickens stand around watching me and talking amongst themselves about how I'm tearing up their wonderful poopy bedding.

Then I convinced my hubby to make a poop board for me. Just need to paint it since it is particle board and I think the moisture from the droppings would destroy it in no time.

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather.
Good morning!

I've been MIA for a few weeks, but I'm back now. I've just had a lot of bad stuff to deal with around my place...kinda disheartened me a bit. But I'm on the road to recovery, so now you guys get to put up with me all winter.
good morning all.. we have a strong wind warning today and i live on a hilltop .... if you can, will you paint oz on your roof top so i know where to land if the wind sweeps me away? instead of toto i will be the one with the chickens floating by..
Morning folks. Boy is it windy! I've been picking up stuff that doesn't belong where it landed over night this morning. It feels much colder than it is with this wind.

I hope all is well, and stays well Shelley

I'm going next door to help the neighbor pick up some stuff that was blown all over. He hurt his back, and we've been yelling at him to sit still. Of course he won't LOL I figure if I get there first, he won't do it and hurt his back further.

Morning all. Coffee tastes great this morning. It's a gray windy day here. Should be great for bowhunting later. Last night was just great sitting in the tree with my daughter nearby. Deer all over the place but not by my treestand! Oh well, I enjoy seeing them no matter what!
good morning! missed ya'll the last few days. first, DH was on vacation, then I got a painful infection in my typing finger. And the laptop power connection is on the fritz, and the geeks are gone for awhile. Will I have to cough up actual money to get it fixed? Time to do backup!

Gotta love my coffee. I'm dwaddling today. The rain is keeping me inside, time to catch up on cleaning. I vacuumed up quite a few different spiders yesterday. What shall I tackle today? Bathrooms? Kitchen cabinets? I'm talking empty it all out, scrub it down, put only what we need back and rehome the rest.
Good luck hunting! yummy venison.

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