Coffee's ready...

Hey everyone, I'm up and on my 3rd cup.
It is daylight. I was able to get out of bed. And this is a good day. I'm not to sore from all my work yesterday. That is a very good sigh. I am ready to tackle my fence job. I so want to get this job done so that I can get the new mini coop set up. I am looking for my new girls. I have been looking at the different hatchery and the kind of chicks I want only to find, sold out for now. What is the season for baby chicks by mail?

Welcome Holly O, Home is so good after a trip.

Good Morning Karl.

Stupid Bird, Late getting up . GM to you too.

Scoop, Stay out of the trees in the rain and wind. Today will be better for you and your daughter. How I miss Hunting. Sigh.

Well, Good Morning to all that I didn't list.
G ood morning to you all its seems that everyone is starting with a good day. hooray.Iam on that 2nd cup.and changed coffee for this week back to the D>D> coffee for a change.
and plain cream no hazle nut
I think it ran its course for this
the simple taste of coffee

Tonopah. Glad your ready for more work only take it slow
there is always tomorrow.I believe the live chick season begins again in Feb. not sure.
S. Bird.. hey Im here and a good mornin to you. sun is out and
a beautiful day is coming our way .
So every one Up N' attam.
Thanks Sissy, Because I am making myself take breaks, it is taking me more time than I thought. I do have a hard time slowing down. My MOJO runs on high gear all the time. One of my sons is the same way. The family calls him Chip. You know off the old block.
:lau:gig:gig Anyhow. I was thinking around Feb. also. I guess I do have plenty of time to get it done before I get my baby cochins. I just can't hardly wait to get that cute little coop into the new area.
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Any time I have the energy to do something I try to do it rather than putting it off for another day. Particularily since my number of tomorrows gets less each year.
Well I'm outta cream or milk so I'm having hot chocolate this morning instead. Got a meeting to attend this morning for work that I'm really not looking forward to since they told me i would be laid off next month. Just seems kind of meaningless to talk about backlog and numbers but I guess I have to suffer through it a couple more weeks

Good morning! Oh, how I hate getting up in the dark. Thank goodness for steaming coffee to ease the transition.

Stupidbird - I wish I could grow sweet potatoes - I love them! My growing season is too short. Where do you live? I have several more rows of blue and red potatoes to harvest - hopefully it will stay sunny this weekend.

Have a wonderful day, Everyone! Tomorrow is Saturday.
Good Morning! Hiya, Kismet!
I don't think I ought to post much until the coffee kicks in; I'm pretty grumpy. 2nd night in a row trying to make the CPAP work - it ain't.
I love potatoes! I remember as a little one being so impressed when Grandpa dug up a bag of potatoes with a few shovelfuls in the fall. Up north, it is Irish potatoes in the fall, down here sweets. Still got to dig up, dry and store. The ones that shoved up out of the ground have been chewed on by something.
First cup of coffee down the hatch. I am running low so am mixing this weeks sale coffee with last years rejected sale coffee.

But I'm drinking it anyway. If the caffeine doesn't work, the heartburn will!
Morning everyone.
NancyDz-sorry to hear about your job, hope everything works out okay.

I can't believe how short the days are getting. Here it is already 6:30 and it is just starting to lighten up. This time of year you really need your coffee. It's Friday and a long weekend coming up!!!!Yeahhhh!
Hopefully it won't rain and we can get the garden settled for the winter. Have a great Friday everyone!!
Morning! Gooooood morning! wooo hoooooo... I've finished the second cup of coffee and started on the third when it kicked in! ohmigosh that reject coffee must have quite a lot more caffeine in it.

Hope it stays dry for a few days; after the heavy rains last week the garden is still not dry enough to dig sweet potatoes, weeds, etc. to put to bed. And finish setting out winter greens, onion sets, garlic...

I just need to meet up to walk the new park with my friend, then start the Friday crockpot of lentils (with peppers and rice this time). Then off to run errands and drive the hour and a half each way to pick up DS from his dorm so he can be home the weekend. And somehow convince the other DS to wake up soon on his morning off to go pick up a load of free mulch from the city (for some strange reason, the city has a guy with a front end loader to load anyone's pickup or other truck with free chips, for free, but only Fridays between 8:20 and 10:30 ish am.)
What's on your plate today?

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