Coffee's ready...

Good morning all
hey S. bird maybe you need another cup of coffee.
I hope it will pass.

Iam getting
a late start with the coffee I have been out at 7 this
morning feed and watered all,
and the men are cutting more trees what a difference now I can see the back forty.
,. we have been waiting for these giants
to fall on the house .

Tonapau. and a good morning to you.
I have 5 new ameraucanas and 4 white silkys just put into the brooder.
good morning everyone.. have my coffee and just fed the chickens.. warm tuna noodle casserole.. they dove right in. it is chilly here. was 29 last night so they loved the warm breakfast.. have a great day all
Good morning! Very chilly here. My body has not acclimated yet to cold temperatures and getting up in the dark. And the forecast is for snow this weekend. I still need to coil up my hoses and put up the driveway stakes for the plow.

But, I must wait for the weekend. Can't do anything in the dark, when I get home from work. Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone. Once that second cup of coffee kicks in (and the sun rises), everything seems doable.
Good Morning everyone. Boy is it cold here! What happened to October? It seems like we jumped right into November. I have the day off today, so I am going to try to get stuff done around the house and yard. I don't know just how much I will get done with a 1 year old around, but I'll try.

Kismet, I hope we don't get any of that snow you're talking about, I am just not ready for winter yet.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning! Driveway stakes for the plow! Now that's some snow you've got there. I'm nursing my coffee until the world outside brightens enough to let the chickens out into their muddy little bit. DS will (!) move the tractor to fresh mud today. Wish I'd had my camera yesterday, chickens with muddy heads look ridiculous!
Ahhhhhh! Nothing wakes me up like the proud cat dropping a dead bird on my lap, then looking through that black widow spider posting.
I think Im really loosing it..

This morning I filled my coffee pot with water and when I went to the fridge for my coffee grounds... there were none.

Awhh what?!?

What could I have done with them?!

I looked the fridge over several times checked the freezer all the cabnets then I looked at the garbage..

No..No I couldnt have. Why would I throw my coffee away?
So I checked and I checked and I checked.
Dug through all the banana peels, old coffee grounds, name it. I checked it and checked it again. No coffee..


Im about to wake everyone up in my house to help me look.

Im praying the boys didnt get ahold of it and spilt it all over their room. No..No they know better..

Im not even going there..

I keep looking. This goes on and on.

Then I find it. Hidden.
In the cleaning cabinet

Ahh..what? How did that get there?!?

Oh well I have my coffee now

Sarah, that was a good post. I laughed. I cried. I felt your pain.

Home sick today and guess what? I have no coffee in the house.
Oh the humanity..
Coffee when you are sick is the best..

When I went camping a couple weekends ago I got everything ready. Boiled my water over the camp fire got my filter ready over my cup and went to scoop the coffee...but no coffee. I left it at home!
I brought all the sugar and creamer...but not the coffee.
Needless to say I drove to the closest town 45 mins away to buy some grounds.
good morning all.. woke up to heavy frost on the ground.. was in the 20's last night.. waiting for the coffee to finish anyone like me you hop out of bed not even awake and the first thing you do is open the coop.. then you feed the dog and cat..and finally you get your coffee? why are we last? lol

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