Coffee's ready...

Good Morning everyone!
Fall is such a busy time for me ....
To many Birthdays and Celebrations.
Lets me know I'm alive
Just wanted to tell you all HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!
Well, it's a bit warmer today, about 38. Chickies are out enjoying the morning. I'm staying inside for a while enjoying my coffee.
Opa, Now that is funny!
:lau:lau I think you have found something to take up some time when you get up way early.

Im not wide awake yet. i am having my coffee. Not enough yet LOL!

Just wanted to pop in and say Good Morning to all. I shall return.
Morning all you chicken wranglers,
ARe the girls all coralled?My girls got the Last watermelon from the garden this morning. They are all fat and sassy. Not enough eggs though. I need to put a light in the hen house to keep them laying. I need to work have a great day.
Hiya! Good Morning! (I am using the ancient desktop computer now) All jazzed up on some turkish coffee I found for 79 cents clearance - medicinal grade WOW.
It's really cold out, frosty, being out so early to let out the birds. But NOW all I have to do is wait a few minutes for the next HOT FLASH and its merely refreshing to crunch out through the grass and open the pop door. Just gotta hurry because when its over, I'm left chilled and damp.

Just one more sweet potato bed to dig today, and gather green tomatoes. Chickens sure like helping dig!
good morning, I guess I scared all you guys away! I won't call y'all chicken wranglers any more. Comon back and talk a spell.Take yer shoes off.relax.sip some fresh brewed jo.
hey hiya karl lutz! I'm "stuck" at the computer - cat is asleep on my lap and digs in claws if I move. How's that for a lame excuse?

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