Coffee's ready...

Good morning Chicken wranglers,
I lose my all through the shop all week long by the end of the week I have to collect them all and take them home so I can have more to lose all week. It is rainy windy and 52 here today. My guys and gals didnt hesitate to jump out of the coop and charge the food though. They'd eat if they had to dig their way through a snow bank.All you chicken wranglers have a great weekend if'n I don't hear fromy'all sooner!
I got me the biggest, gaudiest chicken mug I could find so it would be easy to I WOULDN'T lose it. Yeah, that didn't work. In fact, the coffee just doesn't taste as good this morning because I never did find that mug yesterday and I have to drink out of a GE mug!

Tomorrow I fly off to Ohio for 3 days. VERY nervous about leaving Dh and kids in charge of my chickens! They'll have to do without fancy treats, DE in their food and ACV in their water for three days because I don't want to make things too complicated!

Plus I just noticed my hen losing a bit of feathers from my roo who is just coming into his own. So now I gotta scramble and make a saddle before I go. Thank God for BYC, I can do the no sew saddle lickity-split!

Have a good day all!
Hi all. Skies look promising for rain today. So I have a huge pot of ham and veggie soup parked on the woodstove. It's almost 50 so the stove don't really need to be lit but it'll keep out the dampness.

No deer sightings again yesterday but hey, the rut will soon be on!

This 3rd cup of coffee tastes as great as the first!

Have a good friday everyone!
shhh! Don't tell! I just nuked the last cup of coffee that was leftover in the pot! Coffee mug on one side of the computer, antacids bottle on the other side of the computer.

And, for a late breakfast (10am) I fried up the last pork chops and some peppers from the garden for DS and my breakfast and his take-along for work. Fridays is crockpot of lentils. Maybe I'll remember to make some cornbread that is me-proof.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Hey, Scoop, what all is in a ham and vegetable soup (please don't say "ham and veggies"). Watch out for the deer! I swear they're just all up by the roads behind bushes waiting to jump out at cars, like the squirrel commercial..
In my ham soup today I started with a ham boullion cube (don't have to put that in) and some dried parsley. I added a 20 oz bag of mixed veggies, then a 16 oz bag of broccoli, some beans from the garden, cut up scallions, garlic, 3 stalks of celery, a small bunch of kale cut up small, 1/4 cup barley, about 1 /14 lbs of ham lunch meat ends (which taste awesome). Then I put in 1 envelope of dry onion soup, 1 envelope of brown gravy mix, and a dash of browning & seasoning sauce. (Just keep adding water as needed)

Mmmmmmmmm...... the house smells good right about now!
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Morning all,
Cold and rainy Saturday here (again). Tomorrow is supposed to be nice though.
Had a very stressful week this week, the baby came down with Croup the night before last and had to take him to the emergency room. This is my third child, and this is the first time this has happened. It was awful, he just couldn't seem to breathe. He still has that barky harsh cough, but he actually slept last night.

I am so glad that it is raining this morning, because that means I don't need to take him out for the others kids' soccer games. Sometimes it is tough to have a husband that works weekends, because if he was home one of us could just stay home with the baby and not have to worry about any of this.
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Good morning everyone.

Opa, Gosh it does sound like you should go back to bed. I see you do have some really great Smilies to say it like it is.

I am working on the third cup and feeling good. Got up, that is always a good sign. Fed the dogs and cat. Now I get to play on BYC until daylight, when the the gang will be clucking at me, Open the gate and let me out Mom.

mamagardener, So sorry the baby is ill. Boy it always seems like when the weather gets rainy and cold the kids get sick. You sure could use some help during those times. Bless your heart. Hang in there.

Scoop, That soup sounds really good. I love soup's that use Barley.

Keep dry and warm all of you guys that are getting yuck weather.
Morning . Any morning that I can wake up in my own bed is a great morning for me now. After 3 er runs , 2 admissions , each for 5 days , all since Oct 1 house and home is paradise .

Of course I now have to catch up on all the house and critter chores
. How can 53 chickens and 2 men destroy 2 acres and a house so quickly ? I really dont mind , it shows that they need me and I am home and can do it , that is what matters most.


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