Coffee's ready...

This year's bridge festival had 2" of snow Oct 10, not ideal for the festival. My family helped settle the area too.... we're probably long lost cousins-- LOL -- I'm in the country about 1 mile from where the Imes bridge sat originally before they moved it into St. Charles. You'll have to PM me your maiden name, curious to know which long-time family you come from. Small world. Don't you know that you're not supposed to move away from paradise?
Good Sunday Morning!!! Its going to be another perfect day here in Thorn Hill TN. Wish I could stay home all day, but gotta help throw my step-daugher-in-law a baby shower..My hubbys EX and myself spending the day gooing and gawing over all OUR grandchilds things..Should make for an interesting day LOL
Looks like another beautiful day here in Missouri! I believe we hit 80 yesterday, or near it. Oh my, the leaves are everywhere. We have about 100 trees worth of leaves to rake and burn. It's alot of work, and the leaf blower is really not what it's cracked up to be!

You all have a great day. I'm off to make fresh scrambled eggs for the new baby chicks!
Just curious Kathyinmo. Where is southwest Missouri are you? I have one son who lives just west of Purdy on 50 acres and another son lives in Monett.
Good evening. Scooted out of the house early today, the weather was so fine! Then actually sat out and did nothing but watching chickens for a couple hours without doing anything else. I hope you all had a lovely day. Watch out for the next hurricane.
Hi all,

It's the end of he day and I'm catching up. What a beautiful day! I was out in the garden as soon as the sun had melted the frost. I got the second coat of stain on my new coop, and got two vegetable beds ready for spring. There are several more, but it's a start. And then band practice for two hours, getting ready for our Christmas concerts. The day is supposed to be warm tomorrow too. Wish I didn't have to go to work.

Sissy, I'll pray for your DH, and for you that you can keep strong during this difficult time. Chickbond007, I'll be praying for your friend's little boy, too.
I am in Nevada, MO. About 45 miles north of Joplin. So, they are southeast of Joplin? I really don't know my way around, as I am a transplant from Missouri Valley, Iowa (about 20 miles from Omaha, NE). We moved here 3 years ago looking forward to retirement. DH and I are 56, and wanted to get our retirement home before we got too old and febile! LOL We have 4 acres and a beautiful area with a lake/pond in our back yard. We love it here.
AHHH this second cup of coffee is oh so good.
Good morning to you all, it looks like it may be another nippy day.
first light is begining to glow, And my chix family must
be tired to day no wake up calls at 4 in the morning.
Dh had a restfull night. thank you Kismet ,
and Karl
how is your Dad doing.Taking Dh for Biopsy tomorrow.
In one month our life has changed.I am still in a spin.

Doing lockdown on the Orps. first time
with orps and Dh cant wait to see what we will have.
I dont mind the nippy weather as long as the sun is out ,
leaves are changing and its a beautiful view looking up the road.
Have a great day,
gooooood morning! off and running as soon as I finish this cup of coffee. Had a great weekend, plus DH got his vacation approved for next month - Phoenix here I come! wooo hoooo !

everyone has wonderful cats!
Morning Chicken Wranglers
Monday ugh coffee good. Me tired, rooster cocky, him noisy. Him not know monday ugh.
more coffee I can think ugh must work. have great day!

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