Coffee's ready...

Coffee's ready, but I am not. Wish I could go back to sleep. Don't you hate it when you can't and want to? Ah well I guess I will make the best of it and do something useful.

Mmmmm pumpkin bread to go with the coffee.
Granny's dog needed out. I'm drinking coffee but it's not helping.
Me and computers aren't getting along lately either! Saturday afternoon I bought a brand spankin new ink cartridge for my printer. I go to auction Saturday night and pass up a HP printer/fax machine for $2.00. No one bid on it. So Sunday morning I'm printing out something and the printer died! I am beating myself up over this one! I just want to
!!! Now I have to decide if I get a new printer that takes this same ink cartridge or what! Those babies cost $25.00 just for black!

Ho hum... I'm also fighting with the computer at work this week, too!
got to work this morning, got out of the truck and it hit's me. I DIDN"T GRAB MY COFFEE ON THE WAY OUT THE DOOR!!!

so i have had no coffee today and i fear the inevitable is just around the corner...
I got my coffee this morning, for some reason it is not helping! Bad night last night. My Kitten was being a MONSTER! I have a beautiful Rattan Bed room set, with a desk also. He would not stop scratching his nails on it. Then he would scratching on the closet doors. I kept squirting him with a spray bottle. He would stop and hide until I got back into bed. Then he would start again. I put him out of the room and closed the door. Well he started scratching on the door. I had to but a baby gate in front of the door and then close it. Needless to say this went on for 2 hours. I just got to sleep when the dogs started barking like crazy. I gave up and got up. I am crabby today.

On a better note. It is veterans Day today. I would hope everyone would stop for a minute and say a prayer for all are service men and woman, past and present. A show of support for those who protect us.

Everyone have a great day. Have to run for now.
Good mornin' to you all. I slept in today, quite unusual for me. Awake and on my first coffee. Looks like another beautiful day here. I believe we are to have a high near 65 today.

I met a fellow (bought his Sportsman) that plants heritage seeds and gardening. He told me of a book, "Lasagna Gardening," that prompted his style. Because, believe me, the soil here is not nice black fertile soil, like we have in Iowa! Anyway, it is done in layers, to get the rich fertile soil. I'm gonna try it. Of course, that means I can use all those leaves I have not yet burned!

Off to do my morning chores ... Have a great day, all of you.
nothing worth saying, except in bed with the bug and listening to the crew blast granite outside my window about 200 feet away. I've got the cat for company,

I actually drive through subdivisions on the way home, with the truck, stealing bagged leaves for dumping on the garden. it all gets broken down by spring and keeps the winter weeds down. I never burn leaves. after a few years, we had some decent soil rather than pottery grade clay.

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