Coffee's ready...

Good morning everyone..
Another cool, rainy day today. It was supposed to be nice, but now they are saying no clearing until afternoon. If it does clear up, the kids and I will attempt to put up some Christmas lights outside. We also have to do some more raking because the magnolia tree and a couple of maples are late shedders. If it doesn't clear up, maybe we'll find somewhere fun to go that's inside. When this time of year comes, you sure have to be creative to keep kids happy and away from each others throats.
It's gloomy here and suppose to have a whole week of rain! We are trying to get the walls up, so the Alpaca girls can get in on their side and not be harrassed by the boys
, but we probably won't make it.
morning all. ive been sick so coffe hasnt been drank lol but im feeling better so now im brewing coffee right now! and it smells wonderful! hope everyone is doing well!
Morning all! Well, the early bow season is over and no deer. None came close enough to the stand to shoot. We got one week of turkey to go. Not really seeing many of them either. Had a pheasant in the yard yesterday but DH didn't get it
. Now that's good eatin!! My lungs are still conjested so I can't be out too much - another call to the doc this week is in order. Looks like sun today and I'll probably let the chickies free range, they deserve it! Coffee is going down easy today. Ahhhhh..
Good morning from Arizona. Drinking the last cup of coffee and I think it will be a good day.
I hate to say I have another nice sunny day.( NOT A DROP OF RAIN, WE NEED SO BAD) I sure wish we could share. Bummer!

Scoop, pheasant sure is good eating, I like it better than wild Turkey. The Turkey seems to be dryer, not as much fat on the bird, Laying Bacon Strips under the breast skin helps that. When I lived in the mountains in Arizona, my DH hunted all he could. I miss having the freezer full. We are no longer married, But, he spends the winter with me in the desert. He still lives in the Mountains. Works very well. Anyhow he is bringing all his game meat. I can't wait. He has Elk. He used to Bow hunt but he has problems with his shoulders and can no longer pull. Had to give it up. Hope you get another chance for your Deer.

Shadowpaints. Glad you are feeling better.

Wisperingwinds, Wow, Alpaca. Pic please.
A whole week of rain. Now that is way to much.

Hang in there mamaG.

Opa, Do take a break. It sure sounds nice, and I bet you did an Bang up Job.

Howdy, anyone I missed.

Got to check on the Wee Ones. I hope I can put them outside today. They sure love the playhouse coop and play area. So cute to watch them run around and play in the sunshine. I put another roost bar in the big crate for then. It is up higher. They checked it out for a bit and Poppy jumped/flew right up there. A couple of seconds later they all gave it a try. The fun was then on. Jumping back and forth from the different bars. They wore their selves out and had to take a nap. They did that all afternoon. Guess where I spent my afternoon. LOL!
Good day to your all! It's a dreary rainy one here in SW MO today. Suppose to continue like this for a couple more days. Bad thing about rain here is ... floods. I think Missouri is just a big rock, with a little dirt sprinkled on top. When it rains, that darn rock doesn't soak it up well .... then, floods! Much different than I'm used to at home in Iowa.

Won't get much work done today. I have a broody silkie that I have been kicking off the nest 4 times a day for the past couple days. This is my first experience with a broody. Wrong time of the year to try this, I think!

You all have a great day! This coffee is extra good today!
Kathy I know Missouri is mostly rock. My son is constantly fighting them when he plows, fighting them when he plants, and fighting them every time he's in his garden. A couple of years ago I picked up 5 wheel barrow loads and didn't have the first row of his bean finished. Last spring I worked up my garden, picked up all the rock I could find and then took of picture of them and sent it to him. Since none of the rocks were any larger than a marble, and the entire cache didn't fill a 1 1/2 gallon ice cream bucket, he didn't find the photo humerous. Plus my dirt is black not red.
I'm tellin' ya ... ain't nothin' like that rich black soil! I lived in Iowa my whole life, and didn't appreciate the rich black topsoil in the Loess Hills where I lived. The only other area like it is in China. I believe the story goes ... way back before the ice age (or after?) the horrendous winds blew all the topsoil into hilly areas. That is the area in which I am from.... southwest Iowa. Take the "Loess Hills scenic route," and see beautiful country! You know the movie that said, "Is this heaven?" and the reply, "No, it's Iowa!" Oh yea, it is wonderful.

We moved south (exactly 300 miles from one driveway to the other) to get away from the snow. Actually, it isn't really THAT bad, but ..... Anyway, here we are. Now, we have a lake in the back yard, and we do love to fish and take leisurely rides in the boat. (I hate the soil, or lack of!)
Good morning!
Rise and shine...sun's comin' up, time to get this day goin'.

I'm upstairs in my office with my first cup of Chocolate Raspberry coffee. My window faces east, so I'm totally enjoying watching the sun come up
. It's just starting to peek through the clouds to let me know it's on it's way.

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