Coffee's ready...

Some days I don't take the time to drink as much coffee as is normal for me. And Boy do I pay later. It's an addiction to the caffeine, I get a major headache that will go away if I have a cup of Joe. Tylenol ext. doesn't work. So if you are addicted as I am, and trying to not drink coffee .... do it slowly.
Having my 2nd. cup of coffee,
and its a beautiful morning,
all sunny here no rain .
it will be a day of clean up again
so the week end will be freed up.
Iam think ing of putting
my lone Orp. 5days old, in with my 3 month:jumpy
old silkies to see how good of a mother Ican find to care
for the little fuzzy butt.she seems lonesome all alone.

That was

I had a toss and turn, hot and cold night -- dratted perimenopause.
I finally got up at 3:45am. I've got to work 9:30am-6pm this weekend. Cuts my day into shreds. But, the up side is that I get to do activities with our residents at the nursing home. I am going to make fancy paper airplanes and then we'll test them. I'm always on the lookout for male oriented activities that aren't too complicated...*hint, hint*
Coffee is good this morning...
Good morning Iam a having my first cup
of coffee had O.J. earlier/ that hit the spot.
but theres is nothing finer than a DD cupof coffee and
a slice of rye toasted. It looks like we are to have a brisk day
and maybe a little rain I hope not.
we have had more then our share.
but I must say Ido love it, and it energizes me.
and keeps me going ,going,going...
Good morning cChicken wranglers
Just got done with the weekend hunt. Two deer down and time to process. Long tales of hunting prowess aside a lucky weekend was all I got to say. I'll have to ask opa or some real hunter how to make the deer salami I love so well.
Good morning, Friends. It gets hectic as we gear up for the holidays. Breathe deeply. I have begun baking in the evenings for Thanksgiving (I bring all the desserts). I actually like Thanksgiving more than Christmas. It is family and friend oriented, and emphasis is on our blessings, not on how much we should spend.
Cloudy here, but not too cold. Have a great day.
Good morning flock owners,
its been really chilly here and we may get snow come this week end.
so after my coffee I will have to get more done for the colder
weather that may be coming.and also get my baking done for the holiday.
you all have a great day.

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