Coffee's ready...

I'm having a hard time Guys. I'm very thankful For Family and friends.
But this is Thanks Giving #2 this year for me. (I'm Canadian)
I'm missing my kids .... well the two that are off in University, and the Army.
Plus the township I live in is filled with complete Morons.
Spent most the night crying. I can't sleep... I think this town is actually making me ill.

Well I just need to get a little of this out.... Thanks

BTW as soon as My husband and I can, we will be moving.
We have talked .... well actually, I told him I'll be moving and I hope he'll join me .... He Agreed!
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Good morning chicken wranglers
I hope that all works out or you leave cumbola. Sounds Like you have to deal with a lot of in bred opinionated morons and I am sorry to hear it.
I got a dozen eggs yesterday. I need to search the barn for more, as I have two wayward hens that escape to the barn and only come into the pen to eat in the morning. God bless and have a great day!
Hi everyone from Arizona.
Boy I haven't talked to anyone in days. I miss what's going on with all of you. I have family visiting from all over. They have been using my internet and I have been still working on my Wee Baby's pen area. Before you know it, it is time to start dinner. The day comes to an end and I'm not ready yet. LOL:tongue

I need to go back and read the posts. Everyone have a great day.
Hi, everyone! Just made it back yesterday and am taking a break to cruise the BYC!
Holly O, hang on! I'm rootin' for your move to fix things.
Tonopah Pati, I was visiting with my sister from Phoenix who was in SC for a business conference. I showed her BYC. Frizzles and Silkies. And she says to ask if the eggs glow out there in Tonopah.
Quitting caffeine has not gone so well, not such a good idea on a road trip weekend. I'll try again tomorrow.
Ya'll take care!
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Thank you Kismet
Your PM was appropriate and helped!

On a Up note!
We had Turkey mid October for Canadian Thanks giving.
Normally I make Lasagna for USA Thanks Giving, BUT we had that last week.

So I decided .... it will be Cranberry Glazed Ham, Cheesy Scallop Potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.
I'll make a pumpkin Ginger Cheesecake for dessert.
Good morning chicken wranglers
good to hear all of your voices on the thread. Glazed ham sounds good. Thanks giving should be a real wonder at the old dinner table tomorrow!All of you folks have a blessed and safe holiday!
Good day to all flock owners. I had the morning Coffee, but only 2 cups..
and now its ice tea time. wishing everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving.
we may get snow here friday. but who knows these broadcasters say one thing and another thing happens, it may rain againnnnnnn, Iam fixing the usual turkey and all that goes with it
Iwas hoping to do something else
but Dh loves his turkey.So its turkey ..
Hi - happy thanksgiving everyone! Snuck off from the kitchen for a little BYC...
Roast beef, gravy, and about 5 lbs mashed real potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, cucumber lime salad or collards...we're eating much later today because DS won't get off work until 5 pm something. So for "lunch" we had sausage stuffed mushrooms, pickle plate, radish salad, veggie plate with yogurt dip, crackers and such. DH is napping, various others are video gaming.

You all have a good thanksgiving! I am thankful the chickens laid enough eggs this morning to make brownies! yay! (when I told dh we needed to buy eggs, he refused "what do we have chickens for?"

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