Coffee's ready...

good morning! Happy Friday and best wishes for all you crazy chicken people.

I love the day after thanksgiving; pumpkin pie for breakfast YUM! DS requested an old press-in crust recipe I'd forgotten about so it was their pie and my pie (no wheat, dairy, soy...) It's MINE ALL MINE hahahahahaha.
Good mornoing chicken wranglers
I trust you all had a satisfying holiday. Ours went well . My 4 year old made my fathers day when he climbed on his lap and told him "we are the buddies."
Not much could make for a bigger improvement over having a 4 year old buddie.Black friday is well under way. My 10 and my 15 year old bullied thier mother into going out whether she wanted to or not. Have a safe and blessed week end .
good morning everyone.
hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Holly O I hope you are feeling better today, too bad when you don't like where you live it isn't easier to up and move. It is raining here today, and I am home with 3 kids. I am going to need lots of coffee! I don't want to take them anywhere, because I don't want to deal with crowds. I feel like I am in one of those old Calgon commercials, remember those? " Calgon take me away!"
Good morning everyone!

Beautiful bright sunny cold morning here! I can't believe how fast this holiday weekend is going! Going to finish putting up the Christmas lights today. The rain has finally stopped, so we can actually go outside now.
Good morning flock owners,I hope you have
had your first

cup of coffee and its warming you.
we have had cold here
the last few nights in the 20's
So I am enjoying mine ,have a restful day.
I was up early tending to my ladies,and they
are set for the day what ever it brings,

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I guess I should say g-night all...I have had a good day today, mostly lazy just the typical barn chores and did only those I HAD to. The goats were ready for milking early this evening and it's been cloudy and drizzley this evening so I milked and fed early and the even the chickens had already gone to bed. The little gals didn't even wait to say goodnight:( all well, I do understand, I think I'll follow their lead and hit the hay myself.....tomorrow WILL be busy....Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow....And may the sun shine on you All...
Good morning chicken wranglers
I have lost three layers and 2 roosters to a weasle and coyotes. I am going on a killin spree tonight . The bodie of the hen was still warm this morning so I know it is happening at dawn>. I'll be on the porch with the rifle tomorrow or on the roof. 0-6 and live traps whatever it takes they are going down! Wish me luck. Maybe I'll try my daughters new 243 .

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