Coffee's ready...

yikes sound like
everyone had enough coffee
and is jumping to the music. I love veniscen
so karl if
you bag a deer send some this way.
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oh my. I still have that tune running through my mind, but those are the only words I remember

Hope ya'll are having a nice day. I've knocked out a good amount of indoor chores on this rainy cold day and am sitting down with a cup of tea, wishing it was coffee. Cheers! here's hoping the no-caffeine works on what ails me.

venison, yummmmmm. I love getting a nice bone-in leg roast, wrap in bacon and rosemary, slowly roasted with pan gravy, potatoes...
I haven't been on much of late. Deer season. I've been hunting the same property for over thirty years and I've never experienced a worse season. Too much standing corn around me and it was also much too warm. Sunday morning I saw more deer than I had the entire season and after a hard day butchering today, two nice does now reside in my freezer. We normally put 10 in the freezer so I'm sure glad to have 2 weeks of muzzleloading season coming up and then a 2 week does only special season.
Just tried to vote again. No luck.

Hi Opa, Hope you get your Deer:frow

That sure sounds good. I can almost smell it simmering. Good Eating.

It is crazy how you get a song in your mind and some times, it stays with you for days.
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Good morning, Flock owners,
its a chilly and damp morning here
but I was able, after having my cup of tea for a change,
and not coffee.
get my out side chores half done. at least the urgent,
ones... Feed, water toss a few treats.
the rest will wait until; the afternoon brings a little more warmth
have a great day and stay warm.
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Good morning! The rain has passed, its cold and clear. OK, I know 46F is not that cold. I've been living here 25 years, the south has just thinned my blood so much that anything remotely close to freezing seems cold.

The hens are happy it is drying out and will get their supervised free ranging later when I go to pick up storm debris. I don't expect anything but trash washed down the drainage from the upper part of the subdivision. Sometimes some interesting stuff. Like that roller board yesterday.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Like Opa for me the hunt is on I have taken 3 this year but unlike him this is my biggest year.I am now hunting for a trophy buck as the 2 I took were only 4 & 5 points and about 150 & 175 # boys. The doe was average at about 100# . I let a doe go fri and there is a girl on my property that is safe because she has her yearling with her at all times. The herd is into the garden now eating the beats I didn't pick. I now know what will be taking the place of alf alfa in the back pasture next spring!
Good luck, best wishes - I love Bambi! They look the cutest on my plate. With gravy and buttermilk or olive oil+garlic mashed potatoes.
I will pass along the beets tip the next time that topic comes up with hunting friends.
17 whole degrees with a single digit wind chill...not to worry, it's supposed to warm 22.
plus a light snow that continues to dust the world with tiny flakes...
the goats didn't even meet me at the gate or come out to eat until i went and knocked on their shed...
YIKES that sounds cold! brings back my Yankee childhood memories of walking in a blizzard 2 miles to high school.

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