Coffee's ready...

Good morning, All. Yesterday was unbelievably warm - I wish I could have been home to work outside. Today, not as warm, but sunny. And then, of course, Saturday, when I will be home, it is supposed to snow, mixed with rain. Easier to track deer, though, and I have a couple around me that should go to deer heaven.

Have a food day! I'm going to make another cup of coffee and get ready for a meeting I have at eight.

several hours later: oops! I meant good day, not food.
Although, good food would be okay, too.
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morning everyone
Kismet, yesterday was gorgeous here too! Very windy though. I think we may have broken some records for warmth. Today is supposed to be a lot cooler but sunny. Wintry mix tomorrow. Time for coffee.
Good morning chicken wranglers
FRauau auau austy here . Ice in all the waterers chickens hungry, few eggs . No deer yesterday! Wife is on the prowl "deer hunters widow syndrome" I believe. Must put light & timer in coop, must move horse trough close to outlet and put heater in it, must finish doors ,must go fifty miles one way to see grandsons christmas padgent ,must find more time in week end . God bless!
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Good Morning all, it is 23 here today, and I know I have to carry water to the critters, but that is ok. We didn't get the water line dug this year, but I have a feeling after carrying water until March, it will be the first thing on the list in the spring.
There is frost on the windshields, which I really hate, but unless I move out of Illinois, there is nothing I can do about it!! Hot is good!!!!!

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