Coffee's ready...

Good morning! I hae to go to work...darn! But I only hae to do 3 showers and then I am off for a fun weekend of scrap booking with 14 of my closest friends! I am nervous to leave (as usual) I hope my daughter takes care of all my babies well!!! She doesnt realize what the verse, "they eye of the master fatteneth the flock." Does anyone know where that appears? I cant check now...hae a great day all! Terri O in WI--where we missed the freezing rain last night--YEAH!
Good morning everyone. I woke up to no power. Rain is pouring down and the wind is gusting 40-50 miles an hour. My XDH went outside to check things when a gust of wind hit his wind turban, it spun so fast it spun the blades off. One flew north and landed in the middle lot, almost to the road. Two others landed on my front awing. Both are stuck in the rain gutter. I hope they don't come flying off. The worst of this storm won't hit me until this evening.

I have made some oatmeal for all the chickens. Just waiting for a little let up of the rain, so that i can feed them some.

Lots of flooding happening around my area. XDH had to cancel Doc appt. as we can't get out. The washes are all running. I hope it doesn't overflow. I will have to watch this.

Everybody have a great day.
Well flock tenders I couldnt make it this morning so here

I am
enjoying an evening cup of brew and a fresh baked sliced of
pound cake , I hope you all had a good day.

I did manage to get some things done out back
but its all a mudd hole again and now here comes the rain again.

Tono Patti sorry you had no power and that wind,causing so much damage.
I hope you didnt lose any of your flock.
and thank you for the prayers , This ByC board

was my salvation in those dark days.and still is
Scoop,You know sometimes its hard, and
you dont want to burden others, and now with my DH
having that strange pnuemonia and Congestive heart .
I have my days. and I want to say to all my BYC friends
enjoy you flock and have a great day. Ohhh I have a
beautiful Black greenish Ameraucana Roo just found his voice yesterday.
anyone interested. P>M> or e-mail me..... opps....also bantam cochin R oos Free of course.
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Hi all! Cloudy here right now and hoping all that rain stays away from PA. At least it's been warmer. Am planning on putting out my "eggs for sale" sign tomorrow - still haven't sold any yet. It's been a week. Will try to sell some pickles, too. My EE set a record this past week, an egg for six days in a row! People are amazed at the green eggs. Need to get my other treestand down before someone comes along and helps themself to it. DS has promised to help me - I can't wait! Hope I can let the girls free range for a while tomorrow. They just loved it last weekend! Have a good one everyone and stay dry!
It is easy to stay dry when you are in the house!!!! Good morning world... Hi Chickie Chummies and the best to you all out in cyberchicky land!!! I take mine with S&L and Cream... How does everyone take theirs?
Good morning all
having the first cup of coffee, its chilly and drizzling here.
I have to check out my silkie pen they dont seem to want to go
into their coop ,they stay out in their run.
oh my egg producers are getting busy again,

got 7 out of 7 in one coop and 3 out of 6 in the other
but the other 6 are still on vacation .
and the other 9 are too young maybe another 3 weeks..

You 'all stay dry and have a good day.
Finished up the coffee. The rain has stopped for a while now. Power was on and off 5 times. The wind blew like crazy. knocked down the screen room that was under my back awning. I am almost scared to go out and look at my chickens this morning. We are going to get hit again this afternoon.
I am going to get out there now. Wish me luck.

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