Coffee's ready...

Sissy, you always seem to beat me waking up! I've got a day all to myself today (sort of). So sleeping a bit later was the first priority! I've got to clean the coop, haul in firewood, and a mess of other chores today. Coffee sure is tasty today!
Morning! Back in the deep freeze today, 7F....guess I better get those water heaters plugged in again--sigh--thought maybe we were done...LOL-yeah right! So a bit of coffee for me and then it the coveralls go zipper is not working on one leg...any ideas to fix it? I cant see any problem with the teeth, seems like the zippy part is not working? Terri O in WI
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Good morning all
on my second cup
and bracing for another cold snap I am trying to keep
my runs dry and tossed down a bale of straw, last night at 7 and it was already 25degrees
Added more wood shavings with fresh sweet PDZ got everyone happy..
Scoo-p I tried to wake you when I jumped out
of bed to join me with some home made pound cake and Coffee ..
I knocked and knocked
no one answered.

terri=o try rubbing a drop of veg. oil into the start up of the zipper.
before hooking it up.hope it works.
stay warm in the cold out your way.Makes me feel warmer.
out here. As a kid we used to spend summers
in Wisconsin dells. you-all have a good day.
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Sissy, you are really cracking me up!!!
Pound cake sounds awesome!!!
I've got a
hankering for Tandy cake so I guess the oven will get warmed up today for that. I made baked
chicken last night for dinner and boy did the house smell good!
Well, I'm getting attacked by
our rooster when I'm trying to feed and water them this morning. He's in with the girls right now because I need fertile eggs for our broody. The broody looks hungry today so DD will hold rooster while I feed and water her. She won't come out of the nesting box
I think I need more
coffee, I'm not fully awake yet...
Morning! Tried the oil thing...still zips up but doesnt connect the teeth to close. I am taking them to the alterations lady today to see how much it would cost. If it is cost prohibitive I guess I will put velcro on or maybe just duct tape around the leg! I dont really use the leg zipper all that much so it would be OK if I could just get the leg closed--BIG draft!

Well, 2 cups down, time to go out and get the girls some water before I head off to work. Hae a great day everyone! Terri O in WI where it is 5F this morning!
Good morning all you flock tenders
I am on my 2nd cup of coffee.
and its fresh and tasty.
Where is everyone????

.ah ha sleeping in ..
I had to get an early start I have a complete muddy mess,
and we are expecting a lot of snow so it will get worse.
I made the mistake of putting down straw in my runs
I am glad I didnt do the largest run.
I was told by a BYC member here straw is the worst for muddy runs.
Crushed gravel and sand is the best.
So that will have to be bought today
and get as much done as possible.
if anyone care to join in the fun you-all

are welcome, I'll even share my beef stew that I will soon be putting
into the slow cooker.
Scoop, you made chicken and didnt invite me. humm
are you not willing to share?

Terri-o your right alterations can be very costly.
use the duct tape its fast and easy. and stay warm.
everyone have a good day and enjoy what ever you do.
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Good morning everyone..
I have already been up for 2 and a half hours and not had any coffee yet. Making some now finally! Boy it sure is cold here today, we were spoiled by the 30's and 40's we've been having. Today it is only around 9 degrees with a wind chill of -15. I was actually starting to think that Puxatowny Phil was going to give us a green light for an early spring spring on Tuesday, but now I think I may have been wrong!
Have a good day everyone and try to stay warm!
Morning all! Cold here, too. Only 10. Brrrrrrr. Terri, if I lived closer I could fix that annoying zipper for you. That is easy to fix but they'll charge you a lot. I couldn't stand a draft either. I wear them too, and boy are they ever warm! I'm cold any more when I wear just a winter coat!

Sissy, don't you know you have an open invitation for all eternity?
Gosh that beef stew sounds good, too!

Enjoy the coffee everyone.

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