Coffee's ready...

Good Morning from Arizona, I am up, just poured the first cup of coffee. I made my dogs some scrambled eggs this morning. Good thing they love eggs. My 5 girls all are giving me eggs again. It is a surprise how fast I have a doz. I will have to put my Eggs for Sale,sign up again. Wait, maybe not! All my neighbors have chickens. ( I have to place a post-a-note on the doz.
to use first. I am going to try to make a Spinach Quiche. My Sister-in-law used to make the best. She lost her recipe and can't remember it. Anyhow, I am looking for a Recipe.

Everyone, have a Great Day! I have to tend the Flock!
Work on tearing down the pen. Closing up 1/4 of the area. and placing the gate at the far side on the pen. Move 1 hutch out, and the other move back from where it is now. Take down all the Camo Netting and Shade Cloth, from that section, keeping the main top netting up??? I need to think about that some more. I may have to roll or fold it back to where I move the temp fence, and tie it up there.
More Prep work, Still have to level the ground, get the rocks, and then get them spread and leveled. Move crate/coop into area.

E:cafnjoy your coffee guys
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Good Morning from Arizona. had all the coffee i can drink now must take care of chores. Been on the net all morning and am way way behind. Have a good weekend all.
Yea, it is the weekend! I did chores when I got home and surprise!
My first egg from one of my black Ameracauna pullets! It's a beautiful pale pastel blue.
Have a great weekend!

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