Coffee's ready...

good morning chicken wranglers
How are all you rascals doing? sun is peekin through the morning haze! Its 39 and warming up! gave the girls bread crusts and green beans this morning because they gave me 20 eggs yesterday! Hey how is your faith today ? Let me recount a little tale ! Over the weekend "saturday afternoon" An old friend of my wifes called .she was somber and asked me if deb and I would pray for her bacause her son had been found unresponsive in a basement ,ashen gray and, blue lipped. Overdosed on drugs.Not un common now days unfortunately, Now the mother does not go to church but she knows Deb and I do, so she asked us to get a prayer chain going,We did and we went to the hospital to lend support to the family.Un be known to us all of the E. R. Personel had already written the boy off. his lungs were filling with fluids and he was not breathing on his own. Later that night when his lungs were filling and he was litterally drowning the Dr. told the mother he was sorry! Well she called us again and we prayed, and as I was praying I thought of the story about the Legionaire that wanted Jesus too heal his daughter. Jesus said he would come to the man's house but the legionaire told the Lord that there was no need He understood power and command for when he told one of his men to come He came and when he told a man to go he went so, if Jesus just spoke the order the child would be fine! So in my praqyer I recited this concept.The boy is not out of the woods but he is on the mend he has talked to his mother and all the Drs. are amazed that he recovered.I was told By his Mom that the Dr said in all his 20 some years and 20000 patients he has teated in the E R not one that was so near to death as that boy has ever recovered.Now I am not a slobbering Jesus freak I believe in God and the power of prayer but I also understand sometimes God says no. But this time,and with my Dads cancer it seems he has said YES in big big way at least to me and this family.God bless!
KARL- truer words were never spoken
the coffee pot is sending a delishious
scent my way and I need that first a hurry. have taken care of
my troops out in the coops ,so its my time for me.
Where is everyone this morning ?its cloudy here and a bit chilly,
but this coffee warms me.while I type....

Scoop, Tono,Kismit and all..

A good morning, and
Happy St. Pattys day. and may all
the Saints in heaven Bless you with
good Health, Happiness, love all around you.

and the coffee has a just a tweak of the fine stuff

so lets all step up to the coffee bar and enjoy our kinship.
Karl, What a wonderful thing, God has let you witness. Prayers also go to you and yours. You are a special person.

Drank all my coffee a while ago. Now I am making corned beef. Can't wait for Saint Paddy's day feast!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all the Irish, and those that wish they were!

Everyone have a supper day!
Good morning chicken wranglers
thank you guys for acknowledging your beliefs and I would ask you all to pray for a baby named Payton Somers she is new born and a member of my daughters in laws.We need your help.God Bless!
Good morning everyone
Beautiful day here, starting out cold, but it will be almost 70 by the day's end. Only two more days of this beautiful weather and then back to 40's and rain. So needless to say I am going to make the most of it.
Coffee is almost ready....
What's everyone's plans for the day?

karl E lutz, I will pray for Payton, God bless her and her family!
All I can say about your previous posts is Praise God, and believe in the power of prayer.
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Good morning chicken wranglers
It is friday and the prediction for the weekend is snow. I have to go on a boyscout campout this weekend for my 10 year old" pray for me"! Only kidding. Thank you for your prayers . The baby, Payton is still in bad shape and I dont know how she will fair so still keep her in your prayers . God bless you all!
I don't know Karl, it seems to me that a lot of the time the fathers have more fun on the camp outs than the boys. The fathers seem to be reliving their youths and remembering the good old days when the were the cub/boy scouts. It also seems that the fathers who weren't cub or boy scouts when they were children really get into it too, because they wanted to do it when children and were not able to for some reason or other and now they finally have their chance

Have fun!
My hubby acts more like a kid then my 3 and 4 year olds do when we go out camping. I am constantly looking around to see where he ran off too or followed away.
He wasn't a boy scout but he was a "desert rat" when he was a kid. I guess that reall comes out when we go camping.

My coffee is great in my new chicken mugs.
Good morning all you flock tenders , enjoying my 2nd, cup of fresly brewed coffee.and the sun is shinning and looks like we will have a wonderful day, its to be going up
to 68. yeeee. the mud holes will be gone if this keeps up. it willl be a good day to get a head start for Aprils cleaning the coops.......oh joy

any one care to join me the coffee not only on me but a fine lunch.

I think my
silkie 6mo. old is nesting on what loL I dont know, she wont let me near her.
First time with silkies for me. so I am having a new experience.
they are little snowballs running to me .
Love it..
I hope she is laying some gifts for me...
JP33 ...glad you moved the posts

now get more chicks LoL
Scoop, how is blizzard doing.

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