Coffee's ready...

Just a quick note to say good morning. It's been a tough one - took my baby to his first day of pre!chool and he screemed hisw head off. I fought back tears all the way back to my car. Now I am at work staying quite busy and trying not to call his school and check on him. The day started with a torential downpour, and the sink in the science lab won't come on. I filled my coffee pot from the water thing on the fridg, and splashed water everywhere in the process. But I did manage to get my coffee made, and things are calming down.
Oesdog, get some rest today. You and math ace enjoy some peace and quiet. Sorry for the typos. I'm writing on my tiny phone keyboard.
Good Morning, Finished the coffee, fed the chickens and let them out, gave them some scratch, they sure love the treat.
One of my little Frizzle girls is getting broody again. I have to lift her up to get the eggs. She hates it.

Just wanted to drop in and say hello!

Thank you Karl, I have been really ill, fighting Cancer. I am up and fighting and have gotten enough strength to get on the computer.
I have missed you all and the morning coffee with my friends.
Sending blessings! TP
Thanks a lot for that - !!!!!!!! I am a granny honest! - I have been married 25 yrs too! So it is lovely to get that compliment especailly when I was deffinately not looking my best after all the nights up at the hospital!

Thanks - I laughed at you crying over the young one going to school It is sad that they grow so fast but I never went through that at all. I had 4 kids under 3 and a half and all in Nappies - so when the youngest finally went off to school I was cart wheeling down the school yard!
I sure couldn;t wait to get out of there! Now I miss having wee ones about the place and I did get quite Broody - OMG !!!!!!!!!!! Then I pulled myself together and got off the nest quick before anything hatched!

Better go as Dh needs me for something - He is baby minding tomorrow and can;t wait. - I am playing Taxi I think ! Oh well at least I get to shop!

Pati,, Soooo good to have you back at the coffee bar.
you were ,as Karl said missed. and karl watch that leg
thats a real bummer.
Pati... Cheers to you for more great days.keep it up.

oesdog better take the time for a little rest.
chix in sun ..this was a hard day for you
and your little one.
oh I remember it well.
Math ace I hope your hetic day went well.
Have my self 2-2week old golden comets
needed to check on them early put them in with the
wee silkies. so this morning was busy
but Dh put the coffee on
its delish. oh tells me its decafe maxwell house.

everone enjoy your day.
Want to say so glad your up and able to be on today. - I have never been in the situation you are in though I did come close to it last year. I was very ill and had a big lump appear on my neck they thought it was limphatic cancer and I had 8 weeks of tests before I got the all clear after surgery. I can tell you it was the worst 8 weeks of my life and litterally left me a screaming maniac in the shower! - my Dh didn;t know what to do with me and bought me chickens to take my mind off everything - so here I am on BYC! Dh lost his mum to cancer - we have been touched by it but thank God we are ok. My heart goes out to you at this time and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Good you could join us for coffee! -

Oesdog - hope your on tomorrow!
Good Evening everyone - - - and nice to meet you Tonopah Pati.

Today turned out to be totally crazy. My Dd was stressed and upset a couple of times today. Just have to keep reminding her
that at 13, life will get a lot worse
. She sure doesn't understand my humor.

Looking forward to tomorrow being a much better day.

Chicks - - - sorry your son was not excited on his first day of school. Both of my children could not wait to kick me to the curb way back then !

Oesdog - - I will confirm that you are one nice looking grandmother. God, I don't look that good and I still have another 10 years before I reach grandmother status. (
, I hope 10 plus years - -
). I thought the picture was of the tired mother - - - not grandmother. You go girl - - - send me some of the fountain of youth water you have been drinking.
Morning People,
A fresh batch of coffee is brewing. Pot luck for breakfast. Chefs day off except for necessities like coffee.

Weather: Mid 70's, chance of rain.
We had close to 2.5" of rain in the last 2 days. A real good soaker(sp). The only problem, alot of the tomatoes cracked/split. I think the chickens have had enough rain. They are some skinny looking things when they are wet.

I see everyone survived the first day of school. Now for some chop busting, this is the first fall I don't have to move someone somewhere, or figuring new methods of extracting them from their beds. Being in the cool climate, I figured the best way was to just yank the covers off. It was very effective in a 58 - 60 degree house.

Math Ace: "Just have to keep reminding her that at 13, life will get a lot worse". -- Quickest way to get them to move out.

Enjoy the day


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