Coffee's ready...

OOoh! Congratulations Rancher! She is BEAUTIFUL!

Good morning peeps!

I hope everyone had a good nights sleep! I'm looking forward to a GORGEOUS DAY! Spending time with my visiting family, and shopping for my sis's baby shower! Should be an excellent day!

God Bless!!
Morning folks,
weather looks to be good for the NYS Fair. Hope there's something new to see there. Will take some pics if I can.

Thanks for all the nice comments about GD, only stat I have is weight 7# 7 oz. SIL parents are very excited. We're trying to remain amiable to them at the hosp. cuz the Queen is comming to live here.

No pics of grampa, I'm just like the Queen only bigger, no hair, no teeth, diaper, known to nod off without warning and make indestinquishable sounds in my sleep.
Besides I think there is a law against sending ugly over the internet.

Well got chores to do before leaving for the fair.

Have a nice day folks.

Good Morning. Drank all the coffe in the travel mug, now debating making more. Yesterday I made some here and then left it on when I went home - just happy I didn't burn my desk down! I also had trouble sleeping last night, so maybe I should lay off the caffine.

Rancher, you crack me up.

Math Ace - What type of chicks are you getting? Who are you getting them from? I can't believe how long it stayed rainy, and now it is supposed to rain some more today. The chicken coop is getting kinda gross with the floor of it staying wet all day for so many days in a row. At least I had a break in the rain long enough to clean the stinky rabbit cage yesterday. I bet those pigs rooting around out there are cute.

So glad it's Friday. A friend is house -sitting at a place on the beach and having people over this evening to enjoy it with her. Should be a nice end to a busy week. Have a good one, chicken folks!
Good morning all, having my 2nd cup and got the dishes done, now on to laundry. Had to drop in and see what is going on in your neck of the woods. The wonderful pictures you send. Just wanted to say Thank you!
Yeah but we accept ugly pics of random old guys who just got to be a grandpa too on this thread -

Oesdog -
- I did warn you I was the young glamerous grandparent!
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Morning People
Coffee's hot, another nice morning. 48 degs outside, 64 inside. I can't ask for nicer sleeping weather.

Weather: Another upper 70's to mid 80's today. Clear.

Math Ace: School starts after Labor Day. So we'll be going back to taking our vacations during the "off" seasons. September - May.

Apple season pretty soon. Has anyone canned apples like peaches, sliced etc? We are going to try it this year.

Enjoy the day


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