Coffee's ready...

I know some people go straight from Halloween decorations to Thanksgiving decorations. But jumping straight to Christmas decor is a bit much... unless it's snowing. Once it's snowing, putting up the lights is fair game, imho. ;-)

I always think it takes away from the excitement and "special-ness" of Christmastime to see decorations for two months. It just becomes part of the scenery. I think it should be banned until December 1st.

We always put up the decorations the first of Decenber or the first available night in December the family can get here for the tree trimming party!!
Then they stay up until January 2nd morning. - If we have folk over for dinner on new years day its nice to still have the decorations up but I don;t like them up anylonger than that. I wouldn;t want mine up for 2 months???? Crazy and all that dust!!!!

Oh I need you lot to poke my eye balls !!!! I just got more Layers from the food store thinking I will grind it up to make it smaller. - Its only the wee babies who don;t like it much the others gobble it down. Well I thought to myself I will lift the hay down and then I thought I will pull that old plastic bag out from behind the food containers. They are in there because they are plastic large tubs to keep the food fresh and dry. Then I thought oh look theres a ball of hay how did that get there and stupidly I picked it up.
Yeah there was squaters in my food sore!!!!! Another mouse nest with the tiny wee ones - so what did I do, I suved the hay ball back on top of them and put the plastic bag back over it and then put the hay rack back ontop of that!!!!!
They are already grey with fur so I guess wikll be away in a week? I will go clean behind the tubs then. - I am soooooooooo darn soft!!!!!!! ( I just can;t kill babies - I just can;t do it cause well they are totally defenceless and they cant run away or fight me can they???? But t hey can bring disease and eat my chicken food!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Oesdog -

New day and no one is on - so am just editing!!!!!!!!
So far the day has been dry outside so we managed to get the coop cleaned out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We put in an extra roosting bar and evicted the aracnids. - Well Dh did I just kind of waited at the door incase he got attacked and eaten !!!!

All the chickens have been out free ranging all morning and Blue and Omlet are bursting with food. They ate most of the layers today!!!! Only because I wouldn;t let them out until they finished their dinner.

Now we are trying to bake more bread and I have just stuck the yeast in the airing cupboard to activate!! So was passing the office and thought I would log in!!!!!!

At least the ground is a bit dryer in the run but in saying that there are definately rain clouds in the sky and I don't think the laundry is going to dry on the line either!!!
So much for rushing to hang that out in the sunshine today!!!!

Dh is making coffee - so I think I will go get a well earned cup. Jessica is cooing in her chair in the kitching "helping" with the bread making. - Danny had to be hand fed his dinner today as he just sat and looked at it and didn;t even make an effort. I don;t like having to spoon feed a guy in his 20s but what else can I do sometimes. -

So I guess I am done - logging off for my coffee

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I was wondering about that myself. The scoopable kitty litter for under the roost seems like it would be a good idea, but I haven't tried it.

I dont think it would be a good idea using the litter--at least the kind that I use. When mine gets really wet it turns to kind of a slime. I would think it would be difficult to get off a wood floor if you had the water spill or something. Also those chicken droppings are wet but I dont think wet enough to actually make the litter clump like straight liquid does. Scoopable litter seems to work best when it is at a depth of at least 2 " and that might get a bit costly! I do use stall dry and DE sprinkled on my floor and they mix it in with the shavings. Everything stays pretty dry and I use the deep litter method and clean it out in spring. What I really like about this is when it is deep snow and below zero I can dig down a bit into the base and the birds go crazy scratching and picking at the stuff underneath...keeps them occupied. Terri O
Lord have mercy oesdog. I can't read all that.

Anyhow where is everyone today it's 10:18. I definitely have to start getting up earlier. I only come here cuz no one on this end understands my chicken fanaticism. It's always, "Why are you hatching more chicks?" "Where are you going to put them?" If I had a bigger coop I could get more eggs. Got a call this moring for 5 Doz and they way these girls are laying it' lll take two day to get another doz. I really need to get new hens, these old girls just eat and poop.

So there you go. Who's up?
Good morning all,

I been getting rubber eggs the last two days. Not sure if that's Buffy taking a break and Willow startin' up or Buffy giving the rubber eggs? Both of them look healthy. I suppose Buffy might be slowing down due to the season. Right?

Anyways - they're out in the backyard with DH and I now and I'm just drinking my first cuppa, trying to wake up.
Yeah, I'm used to people looking at me like I'm crazy. We get you here, Rancher!!

Well, I had my first swap today. It didn't turn out as expected. I only had one guy come with a cage of roosters and a bunch of pigeons, which I now have one of and two flew away so maybe they will be back. Wasn't expecting to get pigeons. I had a bunch of people that came to learn about chickens and admire mine, and I did sell the four Blue Rock babies. Three left. We had a good time talking about chickens, but I felt bad about the people that came to buy chickens and there were only mine to be had. I had at least three people say they were coming with this or that to sell. The cold had a bit to do with it, and one lady got a flat tire. Maybe I'll try to have one again in the spring.
I've been up - - - but lost power today for about 6 hours.

No computer, no phone, no tv, no ELECTRIC for the new chicks under heat lamps or hatching babies in the incubator.
We did not have a chance to carve the pumpkin that I bought for the kids. So, I cooked it and made PUMPKIN BUTTER.

I am so happy with the idea. . .. I will do it again
I LOVE apple butter and pumpkin butter tastes a lot like it.

One $4 pumpkin from walmart made about 10 cups of pumpkin butter
I got tired of throwing apples away that I made some applesauce. Once I got started then the misses was willing to put her sugar and whatever in. She says "this is real good". It's so easy why not?

Well the clocks go back tonight and I'm setting Del eggs if I can. take care

Oh who had the blue rocks?

ta, ta for now

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