Coffee's ready...

Beautiful kids, Tartannik!
Yes, my BF was smart enough to put his hands up and say, "oh no, she'll be driving, it would be her car". He realized his mistake quickly, and tried to cover himself and say, "oh, uh,.... it can be anyone's drivers license". You would think they would know better these days, and it wasn't even an older guy - he was younger than me.

Well, time to get to work. Second semester starts today, so it may be a bit busy with everyone fiding their new classes. I need to be sure all my girls are registered for the parenting class. Have a great day.
Girl power indeed oesdog!!

Quick coffee now after lunch, and a bit of chocolate brownie made by DD!!
Hubby and i have our second DD parents evening tonight so that should be fun, we had the eldest daughters last week. Not too worried though, they are good girls, its the boys that worry me lol!
Hope you are all having a nice day, off to check for eggs (favourite part of the day) and feed my pony!
Look honey, that tree is sprouting kids! Cute ones too!

Reminds me of when my kids were younger. Whenever we were out and couldn't find them, I'd start walking around looking at all the trees. 9 times outta 10, there they'd be - up in a tree.
DS and I spent yesterday evening playing Risk. It was fun. We haven't had a "family game night" for a long time. We're planning on starting up again this evening where we left off. He had invited a few friends over but they didn't show so I offered to play. He accepted and we had a good time.

I've gotta dress now and get him off to school...
Evening Everyone
I hope everyone is doing well (especially the better halves after reading some of these comments).

The weather has been a bit chilly here lately. I woke up to -8 this morning. We did make it out for a hump Sunday. It was blowing pretty good on the mountain. With in an hour, our tracks were covered over in some areas. We left the warmth and comfort of mr.vinny in the parking lot, it was close to 2 degs. We might try a hump tomorrow.

We switch over to burning locust these last couple of days. The birds are doing good. Cold and I think tried of the winter. The coops must be pretty warm, their waters aren't freezing during the day. They are holding their own in giving us 2 - 3 eggs a day.

annaraven: risk is a good game.

Enjoy your evening
The fair is not until February. I'm planning on going Saturday or Sunday, the 12th or 13th, as the poultry show will be ending on the 13th. I even had BF re-schedule an overnight hike we had planned with some friends so I wouldn't miss the chicken show!
He is secretly as excited as I am to see the chickens at the fair.

Oh, Kaj, the significant other's aren't in trouble - it's thoughtless, chauvanist sales men that we were upset at! I'm intelligent enough to shop for a car, really I am - I'm blond, not dumb. Besides, if anyone can be talked into spending too much money on bells and whistles it is most likely to be the BF, not me!
Anybody on here own a newer Chevy - like 07 and up? I'm currious about their reliability these days. I know it wasn't the best in the past, and I'm not finding a whole lot of info on the newer models.

All I can picture from your post, Kaj, is a burning pile of grasshoppers.

I didn't get a single egg yesterday. That has NEVER happened. It is either the cold night we had or the new feed, so I will have to see how they do with the warmer weather the next few days.

Have a great day, chicken tenders!
Good for you!!!!! Sooo glad as they can be soooo very painful.

Not sure about the pics

Just glad you doing ok and are getting better.


No pics please. Ewwwwwww. At least not here. You can put them in a seaparate thread labelled "GRAPHIC" if you really wanna.
Glad it's outta there and you're feeling better!

Have you checked your water? Maybe you have too much minerals in the water? I know in Bologna, Italy, no one can drink the water because it's so full of chalk that they get kidney stones if they do...

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