Coffee's ready...

The orps have never been a breed that did anything for me . . .

I did have someone tell me I could make my own comets by mating a SS roo and a white rock hen. . . That does something for me! Breeding my own little egg laying MACHINES and getting two uses from the same roo . . .

IT is like using a BCM roo for BLACK COPPER MARANS, BLUE COPPER MARANS, and OLIVE EGGERS depending on what hens you hook the roo up with.

Is there another purpose for a delaware roo - - other than making little delawares ? ?
The orps have never been a breed that did anything for me . . .

I did have someone tell me I could make my own comets by mating a SS roo and a white rock hen. . . That does something for me! Breeding my own little egg laying MACHINES and getting two uses from the same roo . . .

IT is like using a BCM roo for BLACK COPPER MARANS, BLUE COPPER MARANS, and OLIVE EGGERS depending on what hens you hook the roo up with.

Is there another purpose for a delaware roo - - other than making little delawares ? ?

As a matter of fact there is but perhaps I should keep it to myself. Delawares can be used to make sex links also.

" Delaware males may be mated with NHR or RIR hens. The chicks of the Delaware pattern. Delaware hens may be mated to a NHR or RIR male and sex link chicks result. The males have the Delaware pattern and the females have solid red feather pattern of the male. These day old chicks may be separated according to the sexes by their color. "

This is according to the SOP for Delawares. There may be other sex links in the SOP but I only have the one for Delawares.

Now it should be noted folks that the PP magazine had two articles on Sex Linkage. One talking of how the original "Legbars" were developed. Leg = Leghorn and Bar = Barring. The purpose of the Legbars is the sex linking of the chicks just as you can sex BR's and CM's and others by the lightness or darkness of the feather patterns.

There are also Cambars , Welbars and Rhodbars. This is what has been done, if I'm correct with the Lemon Orpingtons and I expect could be done with others. Though I'm not sure. I haven't research the Lemons. I am aware that the Legbars of Europe lay blue eggs but that is part of the breeding into the breed.

Quote: Over the years there were many who thought that the new auto-sexing breeds were destined to become a dominant force in modern poultry production. But the interesting question isn't necessarily why they failed to stand the test of time (few utility strains managed to compete with later dominance of the hybrids) but why they - even in the short term - never really managed to compete with then popular first crosses?"

I think the reason the Legbars took, was the blue eggs but this is just my opinion. The main reason folks like the "hybrids" is for the production rather than appearance. It should be noted too that Purebreds have their place lest the gene pool of the hybrids becomes so polluted all chickens end up looking like Silkies. God forbid!

Remember for those who keep hybrids another name for them is "terminal breeds". They aren't meant to lay for years and years. To I wonder if it's possible to stablize the character feather patterns of the Legbars or Cambars or what ever. All would have the Type of the Leghorns or Campines or whatever breed is being developed to have the barring factor or autosexing I suppose to be considered a breed.

Chicken on Wayne , Chicken on Garth

Ahh, good evening! Just checking out the posts before I feed the rabbits and go pay bills.

I have a hen in the bathroom - yes, our bathroom. She has a prolapsed uterus, and I'm attempting to fix her. Yesterday my DH was telling me he doesn't remember anything about chickens in the vows he took. He was telling me this after I bathed her, blew her dry, and applied Preparation H to her bum. Yes, I know it sounds odd. BUT, I want to TRY to see if I can help her out. I'm pretty sure she's the one that's been laying the monster-sized eggs from time to time... Poor girl. I just hope my TLC helps her out...

Wish I could sell a pair of my birds for $1000! Except the only matched pair I have is a pair of SILKIES!!!!
Good morning all you flock tenders,
Karl.. have you moved to scotland

having Tea this morning. and a nice hot sweet bun.
and getting ready to check the flock for feed and water.
I have been lucky no heat lamps and
no loss birds . this winter has been a real duzy for us all.
What will a buff orp.over a black ameracana
hatch ??
Eggs yes . but has anyone ever tried.
to see results
Anyone have any golden comets .
hatching eggs .. to sell?
I am in the buy buy mode

the only 2 I had were not in the laying stage
and I lost them last year. to some critter..
Good morning chicken wranglers

This morning I'm off to the farmers market to pick up fresh veggies. This afternoon someone is coming by to buy our old coop. We converted the garden shed to a coop so the prefab one is being sold to a local BYCer.

I have a very cuddly dog on my lap right now... our lab mix, Ernest. He's so funny - he'll go to his food dish, pick out one piece of food, walk back into the living room, eat it, then go back for another piece. Of course, when I commented on this to DH, Ernest knew we were talking about him so he had to come over for cuddles. Earlier today when I let the girls out, he was standing by watching and a couple of them get nervous, so I told him to sit stay, and he did. All the girls ran by him - one nearly ran over him. He just sat there and watched. I tell him he's the bestest doggie ever. All the workmen who come by love him. He likes to "supervise". Most of the workers are hispanic, so he's gotten used to being called Ernesto.

Last night was our first night with our new furnace. It was so nice to get up this morning and walk out of the bedroom and *NOT* freeze! DS even commented on it! The furnace is gas, and does forced air, with the ductwork run through the attic. It replaces electric baseboard heating. I expect our electric bill to be less than half what it is now. And once they turn on the solar panels that got installed - the bill should go down to near zero! I know it's not really cold here, not compared to, well, anywhere else in the US, but it still gets chilly in the house. For some reason, during the day it's okay, but as soon as the sun goes down, the house chills down a LOT. I've been wearing a lot of sweaters because just getting it in the 60s to the house has been rather costly. It's nice in summer - the house stays cool so we don't need air conditioning. But in winter... it's sure been awfully nice to have a fireplace.

Wow. Ramble much? Okay. Guess I need more coffee.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning! Sounds like everyone's quite busy this weekend. Welcome home, Oesdog!
Yesterday I sold the cmaper van.
But now I've got a wad of cash, part of it for debt and part of it for the down payment on the SUV. I choked up when I handed him the keys and his wife gave me a hug and promised to take care of it. Now I'm choking up again.
I'll get another VW camper someday. After we sold it we went to Bass Pro and bought some new camping gear. I bought one of those stands that you put the stove and dishes and stuff on. Not the same as having a fully enclosed kitchen in a van, but it will do for now.

We went to the Florida State Fair on the way home. Saw a few good show birds, but some were not that impressive. My Marans could have won something, I'm sure! No other Marans in the competition again, Math Ace. I think even my hatchery White Leghorn was better looking than some of the leghorns they had there. They did have a RED leghorn, which was beautiful. I know they get a bad rap, but I swear leghorns are one of my favorite breeds. They also had a lemon blue Ameraucana rooster, which was neat.
One of the dart game guys tried to scam me - through my son, even - I'll pray for his soul, the jerk. But we had a good time.

And I don't care if you send me hatchery Speckled Sussex, Math Ace - just friendly layers that look pretty are fine with me. And that sounds like a great hybrid to make!
Annaraven, my shepard mix used to do that with her food, too! I always thought she just must not like eating alone, so she would bring a few pieces of food to wherever we were, put them on the floor, and sit down and eat. Silly dog, I miss her. Enjoy your new furnace!

I need to get dressed and go let the chickens out - they were penned up all day yesterday, and I just noticed when I looked out that the water is tipped over. I need to find a way to keep them from doing that. Have a good day, chicken folks!

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