Coffee's ready...

Yes and worse of all - THEY REPEAT THEM- OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!!!

You could increasing the protein, reduce lighting so they can focus on making feathers.

Everyone else hope your fine.

I had a dream it snowed. A lot of snow. Lord knows I'm dreading it like crazy. I even turned the heat on Sunday morning at 3am I was so cold.

Take care and stay warm.

I'm jealous of your cool weather, Rancher. I'd give anything for it to cool off around here. This is my least favorite month down here - when it's still in the 90s everyday, the rain is slowing down so there's no relief, and it seems like fall will never get here. It is supposed to be cooling off a bit this weekend - won't break 90, lows in the low 70s.

My girls are barely laying, either. If it wasn't for the duck I'd have to buy eggs at the store.
I'm pretty sure a few are molting, some are just too hot, and the move to the aviary threw everyone off in general. I've lost three egg sales over the last week. My 16 week old mutt is showing interest in the nest box, though!

I let the girls out of the aviary on Sunday and didn't watch them as close as I should have. I think they ate most of what I just planted on Saturday.
I saw a neat cover you could put over the garden in a catalouge that I may buy - it looks like it would be easy to just pop over the garden when they are out free-ranging. I really hope some of it comes back. A few things are just kind of burried, and I'm hoping they pop back up. Either way, I'll see how they are doing by Saturday and buy a few more plants at the farmers market.

Well, time to do some paperwork.
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Hi folks,

Sorry to drop off the face of the earth this summer. What a godawful summer. I am so glad it's over. Almost. It was 91F here yesterday.

Last night, I found out we have possums. Luckily, they weren't able to get into the Faraday Coop. My dog found it, at about 1am. I looked at it, and was unsure it was dead, (maybe it was 'playing possum') so I left it alone. Wasn't there this morning. So either it wasn't dead, or something else ate it. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on my girls even more, now that I know about the possums.

I'm nursing bruised/cracked ribs. Still, I am making up beef stock so I can can it and get the bones out of the freezer. We're picking up our side of beef on Satyrday. Woot! I'm so looking forward to that.

I'll read back a few pages to see what's up with ya'll now.
You could increasing the protein, reduce lighting so they can focus on making feathers.

Everyone else hope your fine.

I had a dream it snowed. A lot of snow. Lord knows I'm dreading it like crazy. I even turned the heat on Sunday morning at 3am I was so cold.

Take care and stay warm.


I dreamed the other day that it was snowing. Not bloody likely here. (I live in the middle of Silicon Valley.) Not last night though - we had 91F yesterday and only got down to about 65 last night. (Pretty unusual hereabouts.)

Nice looking fish. Glad it went back. Now it can go on to make beautiful babies. And get bigger.

Sorry to hear about the old cat, Rancher. I agree though that it might just be their way of going on their own terms. At least it was quick, right?

I miss snow. I think I need to go somewhere this winter with snow.
You could increasing the protein, reduce lighting so they can focus on making feathers.

Everyone else hope your fine.

I had a dream it snowed. A lot of snow. Lord knows I'm dreading it like crazy. I even turned the heat on Sunday morning at 3am I was so cold.

Take care and stay warm.


I dreamed the other day that it was snowing. Not bloody likely here. (I live in the middle of Silicon Valley.) Not last night though - we had 91F yesterday and only got down to about 65 last night. (Pretty unusual hereabouts.)

Nice looking fish. Glad it went back. Now it can go on to make beautiful babies. And get bigger.

Sorry to hear about the old cat, Rancher. I agree though that it might just be their way of going on their own terms. At least it was quick, right?

I miss snow. I think I need to go somewhere this winter with snow.

I am so Jealous of the heat over there!!!!!!!!! It is freezing here already and like Rancher I am dreading the cold. We had a very bad winter here last year with deep snow so I am hoping it wont be that way this year. Some places in the UK were -26 unreal for here! We were not that bad though I did go into Belfast one day and it was - 9 sooooooo cold my teeth were chattering and I had to go get a hot soup just to function! Time to break out the woolly stuff I think!

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Oesdog that is so cold is that f or c ?9 degrees hear is coooooold and the ice is thick enough to drive a tractor on.I'm not ready fot that.
We are still hot too! Above normal temps.... Been running high 80's this week and low 90's last week.

POSSUMS.... We have been trapping them for the last couple of months. Just got another one last night!
The small ones are small enough that they can squeeze through the 2 x 3 weilded wire. Then they get into all the birds' food.
Food cost way to much to feed the wild life.

We started setting the trap because of a FOX..... Still haven't caught the fox -
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