cold eggs and then some *Pic heavy update page 3

So this AM first thing I take the one chick that hatched out yesterday to put in the crate with the 3 mommas. Of course one of them had to flog me, protecting the babies. While she was flying at my arm, I released the chick. All this commotion had him scared and he squated quietly in the corner and the chicken mommas all headed in the other direction to the other corner. So I stepped back to watch.

Pretty soon the baby stood up and started to peep. One of the hens (the flogger, I think) started to get restless. Pretty soon she headed over to the chick, with me standing there holding my breath. Would she take him? At first it looked like she pecked at his head, but I think it must have been a chicken caress. When he didn`t come to her, she settled in the chips next to him, fluffed out her wing a little, and startyed talking to him. Very shortly, I saw him dart under her wing. By the time I finished feeding and watering the two brooders, momma and baby were back with the other chicks. Soon the new guy was over with the others, in the feed dish, happily pecking away.

I wish more of them would have hatched out, but I`m afraid its going to be a one a day thing, since I didn`t mark and collect the eggs like I knew I should with a broody hen with others laying in her nest.
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I went out a little while later, and two of the hens were fighting, had each other bloodied up. I ended up having to take two of the hens out of the crate, leaving one with the chicks.

I`ve still got some late ones in the incubator and hatcher from that setting, plus others. So now I have 1 new-hatched and 4 eggs in the hatcher and about 8 itty bitties in a broode that are sebright, btw japs, oegb and japxmaran(that`s going to be interesting).

I guess I need to do a count and see how many what I have in the incubator.
I had the same issue. Two broodies with babies = RUMBLE! I know others don't have that issue, but I sure did! And it wasn't pretty.

I ended up building 2 pens to keep them each separate with their own babies. After about 2 weeks, I was able to let them all out and they were fine. But that first week was a mess.

Good luck with those hatches! I'd love to see pics of all those babies!

Gosh, so much has been going on. I took all the eggs left in the banty nest and put them in the hatcher. They've been hatching about one every other day. I got three more turkeys hatched and some more sebrights. I now have three brooders going in the house. The river is coming up again, and I'm afraid the buffalo gnats are going to get really bad again so I'm afraid to move them outside. I already lost two silkies and a frizzle (adults). Speaking of the frizzle, I have a couple of her babies in the brooder that are going to be frizzles. I got my new used GQF warmed up when a friend brought over a dozen or so banty eggs, and my hovabator was full. After stablizing, I added his eggs, and moved mine over from the hovabator. So right now, I'm waiting on ducks, more turkeys, and a variety of banties. Now the question is, do I put in more turkey eggs or just have omlets?
am I reading something wrong? you put 12 eggs in, have 10 chicks,
and 5 left to go.. = 15

are you related to Jesus??

Well, I couldn`t stand it, the turkey eggs went in the Incubator (I hope I find some folks that need some turkey poults) along with some more banty eggs (Mostly sebright) and a couple of marans x production red. Our friend called last night and says how about some guinea eggs? OK! I`m kind of surprised DH even told me about it.

I candled yesterday and my duck eggs look terrible. One has a big saddle air cell over 1/2 the size of the egg, but still movement. Another has a large aircell at the top, and a small one at the bottom. There is only 1 that looks "normal". My guess is thet are going to rupture into the air cell too early due to growth and not make it. But I`m not giving up yet. They have another week to go.

Big news is I have my Japanese bantam eggs on the way. Mottled and BTW. I just can`t wait (but I guess I have to). These are my show/breeding hopefuls.

Oh, and 24 barred rocks coming in for a friend.
So the big news today is that today is day 25 on my duck eggs from the April egg swap. I opened the bator to move them to the hatcher and one of them was pipped! These are the ones with the big horrible air cells. I just moved the carefully to the hatcher. They were all rolling a little bit after I put them down, so I hope they are all finding their right "spot" for hatching. I can only wait and watch. I

My mottled and BTW Jap eggs have come in and are in the 'bator along with a few stray blue mottled and frizzle japs. I got an email this am from an earlier contact that my barred and wheaten japs are ready! I had given up on them! Oh, well, guess I'll have to build the breeding coop/runs with a couple of more pens. (does that mean I'm counting my eggs before they hatch?)

By the way, I have a 4 week cochin and 3 week sebright crowing, and a 4 week turkey strutting.

I also have a mixture of bantams going in the hatcher today, mostly OEGB wheaten. And I think some turkeys go in today too. I have to go through the bator and check the dates to be sure.

Well, the grandson just got up, I better go batten down the hatches, he's one of my worst predators!
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I'm laughing I've got a four week turkey strutter and it's hilarious. I'm totally like "Dude you aren't even the size of a banty," but it doesn't deter him. His name's Brit and he's from the disaster hatch, first to hatch and survive and definitely a momma's boy. Looks silly when something just over a pound does it. I

Go duckies!!!
Once again I can't believe its been so long since I posted on this thread. I gave some turkeys to the veterinarian in town. I have 14 from the hatchery and 7 from my rp tom and br hen. They are all now living it up in my new 80 x 80 pen.

And here are a few of the results of some of my hatches. These two were supposed to be pure silke. Well, I doubt it, but I sure think they're pretty.

And my real Silkies


And my Japanese

And here is my marans rooster x BTW jap hen, with a BTW to see the size difference. A very pretty little marans or large cuckoo japanese.

And 8 out of 10 of my buff orpingtons were roosters.

And here is one of my Buckeye cockerels, oh, by the way, did I tell you I got my body piercing license?


And last and very much the least an oegb pullet


I also have some guineas not pictured, and a few more different colors of Japanese, and a whole bunch of new silver sebrights.
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